
Red Cliff HAS to show up. It's an astounding achievement. When I think about those movies, something like ten scenes start jostling for attention as the best one. It has Zhuge Liang midwifing a calf in the same movie as a dude grabbing an arrow and stabbing a guy with it, a dude attacking a guy on horseback by

*burning crosses fall on each other like dominoes and barely miss an oblivious Buster Keaton*

Interesting. I'd definitely believe that; 2-4 seems like an Ontario thing. In 2015, I learned what a road rocket was from someone from Halifax. Never heard the term (which refers to a drink that you just walk around with in public, often being passed through a group) before that time.

The very same. 24 bottles or cans, generally of domestic lager chilled to an icy temperature. The long weekend around Victoria Day is generally referred to as "May 2-4" because it's usually close to the 24th and tends to be a really popular time to get blind drunk while camping.

If Kanye doesn't have the cash, he could give him one of his t-shirts.

You know, most of the stuff I've read about you doing around here are things that would count as interesting points of conversation or even brags from many of the people I meet. You make documentaries, you refurbish antiques, and I seem to recall that you're a runner? That's more than enough to offer at first.

They do in Canada. Do they not have them at US locations?

Could he bench press the effects on Kevin Sharp's vocals?

Strat clones are common enough that you might be able to score a non-functional one for free or cheap on a classifieds site. Odds are that the saddle won't be the problem on one of those. eBay seems like it has intriguing deals, too.

Yeah, I shouldn't make assumptions about what other people do. I just figure that really serious asphyxiation can't be an everyday thing solely because the rate of accidental death would seem to be higher. If it's not for show, then that's playing with fire (*mail carriers march dozens of bags of mail from fire play

No doubt. I just get the impression that the play ends after a certain point because, kinks aside, people do generally want to then have intercourse once they're all turned on.

Setups are expensive as hell for what they are. If you want to learn to do your own, it sounds like you have a perfect subject for experimentation. As far as replacing parts goes, though, it does often seem to be cheaper to buy another instrument once you figure out how much those parts cost new.

So half the movie is about breakdancing to save the rec centre and the other half is a sober explication of the market forces threatening it?

Looks like they've eased up on it! Let's see how the filter handles "poltroon".

The actual Fender models are way too much. If you play the Squier models, they're often almost as good for far less money. Tends to be the way with the big names these days.

I do suspect that the contingency is already being seriously discussed. I'm sure that whoever's in position to act has already considered something like this happening. Pence seems like an establishment Republican's safeguard to me, someone they can rely upon if their erratic President-Elect goes too far and

The right-wing fringe is an odd place. I have a brother who has started to fall into it (which makes him stick out like a sore thumb up here in Canada). The veneration of a cartoonish false image of Russia, with which Putin has associated himself, has been going on among Infowars types for some time.

I'm still just learning about how all of this works, due to not being American, but impeachment does seem like a real possibility for someone if they're demonstrably compromised by a foreign power. I don't think it's ever happened, but there's always a first time. If reliable, damning evidence came out showing that

The Double Indemnity remake is going to push the limits of that R rating.

Yeah, the telecaster was right out of style back then. Guitar trends are strange. Teles are fantastically versatile and reliable guitars, but it seems like people have often treated them as genre-specific instruments (*Youtube recommends thirty videos about the burning question of whether or not one can play metal