
My most expensive instrument was a Fender Jaguar bass that was on sale for about $700ish CAD (tax in), if I remember correctly. Bit above my price range, but I'm happy with it. $1000+ guitars always seemed pointless to me.

Q-word. The mods are very mindful about accusations of treason.

I think the idea is that you eventually let it out of the cage after it's been built up a bit. You don't just deny yourself the erection forever.

Sixty eggs?

I always thought that "slit" was kind of dehumanizing and coarse, but it does have the advantage of being one sibilant syllable. I could see it working for someone who likes their dirty talk to be quite dirty indeed.

My new girlfriend, it turns out, likes to sort of play-choke me during some sex acts. I was pretty iffy on the idea, but once we tried it, I found that the amount of force she used was pretty minimal. I think that breath play may be as much for show as it is about actual asphyxiation. It's still not entirely my

But sir, it is only wafer-thin!

My girlfriend tells me that Bowie's crotch in that movie was basically the catalyst of her puberty. What a cock he rocked.

Ben Franklin would dispute you on that point.

So many reasonable discussions to be had!

Good point. Fat Man usually starts with a complicated gimmick. How many recurring trolls are there around here?

Is it the gentleman of gravity again? I've already got twenty MindBuxx on Pod Bay Doors being Jim Treacher.

I recall that he indicated that he was no fan of hers in an interview some time back. I wonder what ¢hang£d hi$ mind?

I got a ride home from a clown once. I was sick of scary clown jokes before that, but now I'm actively irritated by people mocking that astounding woman's calling. Maybe you go cheer someone up in a nursing home before you make your cutting-edge jokes that everybody has definitely never heard before, jerks.

It figures it would be something like this.

"Social media specialist". Nobody will ask any further questions. Nobody wants to hear even one second of discussion about that job.

Gimme Big Mac, gimme fries to go
- Donald Trump

Diners, Dungeons & Dragons?

Have you ever heard of the comic Empowered? It's a real comic that's been running for a decade and it started from a series of softcore commissions. Doing porn is not necessarily the barrier it once was.

If you have people you can trust, it might help take some stress off by getting your ducks in a row regarding this weird attack on your sense of security. I know that I feel better knowing that my therapist can back me up if someone gets creative about claiming that my mental health situation is dire. Having people