
I've been thinking about this and I think one of the reasons for this is that there are different barriers to entry when it comes to talking about politics and social issues. Informed debate requires information (of course), a basic understanding of how debating works, and good faith. Screaming into an echo chamber

That's the problem, isn't it? It's an asymmetrical conflict. The various sides aren't really playing the same game. In a sense, they can't; their visions of reality are too far apart at this point. That's why the "open exchange of ideas" isn't happening. What's to exchange? A white supremacist and an anti-racist

Matthew Good wasn't perfect every time, but his good songs really hit hard. Something like "Strange Days" feels fresher to me now than it did at the time.

Guys like that always verbally copy-and-paste some vague bullshit about leaving it if you don't love it. I wonder if they ever consider that regarding their relationship with civilized society. Show some dignity, random political jerkoff. You sound like a sewer smells.

I'm still not convinced that Strom Thurmond wasn't a vampire.

That's one dressing room in desperate need of a deadbolt.

In all seriousness, I miss the days of Choclair on the radio and MuchMusic. There was a point there where Canadian hip-hop was getting lots of play around here. I haven't heard as much of it on the radio in recent years, but I'm out of the loop. Anyway, Canada's music world is great and I'm happy to be a very,

Red alert! etpietro's getting away on a Red Barchetta! Stop him before he escapes the Limelight!

So you don't think that kicking his ass would indeed be a pleasure?

That's a pretty deep cut for online hockey. I'm sort of impressed with that anonymous brave soul.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's where they went next. It's not an uncommon thing to do with a third album. I happen to like the gloomy groove they get going, but getting weirder is always a good thing.

Daaaaaaaaamn! Looks like it's no illusion that his kids will be coming for Reveenge after you made his reputation disappear like that!

I've never lived in Toronto and I'm still not entirely certain that I haven't been a member of Broken Social Scene.

I liked Olympia better, personally, but I can see that wasn't necessarily a majority opinion. I'll be interested to see their next move.

Oh shit! Amy Millan's gonna have a Broken Social Spleen from that gut punch!

Buuuuuuuuuuurn! 54-40 is already taking cover from Monkeylint's hot fire! Too bad the snow fort won't be any protection!

Everyone always makes fun of our big musical exports. It's always Nickelback this and Avril Lavigne that, not Austra this and Hawksley Workman that. Sure, we all like to have a laugh at how several of their songs sound exactly the same, but it's played-out and trite at this point. Let's hear some Canadian music


The jackboot has been thrown into the melting pot!

The youngest brother of the teenager with whom I work is 10. He uses the word "literally" so frequently and inconsistently that I have no goddamned idea what he means by it at this point. Literal? Figurative? An intensifier that has nothing to do with either of those? Who the hell knows anymore?