
They'll only mention it when you leave.

I was using the phrase to refer to a psychologically unhealthy approach to masculinity. Basically, it's any type of masculinity that isn't good for you or others. In this case, it would be the urge to suppress something natural and healthy (like enjoying a song openly) in order to conform to a perceived masculine

Definitely better at poetry than wrestling.

A little bit of the old liquid mindfulness, eh?

I still think it all has to do with images. We see tons of images every day and people talk about their types, I think, based more on those images than on interactions. We let images take the place of other humans without meaning to do so and internalize broad generalizations and misinformation as if they were

I'm drawing this from that well, yeah. Turns out that being in the moment is a huge part of wellness in most parts of life.

Entirely true. It's a problem in a way that other preferences simply aren't, because it's another way in which trans people face discrimination. I think that I tend to focus more on the individual-to-individual level because I'm frankly very frustrated on the macro level right now and I figure that I should look to

I think the issue is precisely that it's all about appearance when people are talking about this stuff on the internet. It's pictures and videos and not people actually talking to each other and hooking up in real life. I'm probably generalizing too much, but I think that this kind of concern becomes irrelevant once

Wherever you are
I believe that you like what you like

It sounds like this is just one aspect of the continual struggle to be true to oneself. Ultimately, all of the questions you just asked came off to me as being about that one huge issue: who am I, how do I find that out, and how do I keep being myself? It's a lifelong dialogue, because the answers will keep changing.

The guy seemed like he was overthinking it to me. He likes women, including women with penises. Only he can answer if he's fetishizing trans women or not. There's a difference between fetishizing them (focusing on the genital aspect, treating them as fantasy objects) and just finding them attractive as anyone might.

A good RMT works where the work is needed. You probably really needed the foot massage, especially if it felt that good.

I can't think of any exterior part of a person's body that's irredeemably gross to me. After a shower, everything's clean.

I'm guessing that "Make America Great Again" will continue its current trajectory into irony.

I've generally found that freezing up in conversation has happened because I wasn't in the moment. It's a matter of being present, of thinking about what's in front of you instead of heading off future crises. As someone who deals with a lot of anxiety, it's something I've had to learn and that I've also had to

I like to imagine that the AIs involved in the creation of the ship covertly steered the engineers towards building a luxury environment for the sake of the massive robot vacation that they had secretly planned. They were supposed to get decades without interference, dang it.

Really, unless they figured that people waking up was extremely likely (in which case they maybe want a different contractor to handle the cryogenic chambers), the ship would probably have no passenger space that wasn't devoted to getting people into the pods at the beginning and out of them at the end. You always

It's definitely disappointing. One change and it could be a dynamite romantic adventure. Now it's just a muddled story about a guy confusedly ruining a woman's life.

Not a bad comparison. I think that PKD was sort of a herald of the current age, in some ways; he was obsessed with reality-slippage just before we all started to face the idea that reality might be wobbly.

I saw a play that dealt with a similar issue by having cryosleep ("hypersleep", in this version; no freezing, just an injection for long enough to get to Mars) be something dangerous and that a person can only do once without getting fatal brain damage. Basically, once you're awake, you can't be frozen again.