
If everyone was supposed to sleep through the whole trip, why the amenities? I'm really starting to question this whole enterprise.

It could have been funny as a dark comedy where they keep waking new people up for increasingly frivolous reasons. At the end, the ship is opened up from the outside and they find the remains of every single person on board, having had a massive party, except for one guy who was never unfrozen because no one wanted

That's what I've been saying! Just have Lawrence get woken up by the same thing that woke up Pratt. It gives them a mystery to explore and heroic stuff to do without any moral culpability for Pratt's character.

There's a Phillip K. Dick story called Frozen Journey. It's about a guy in a similar situation; he accidentally wakes up with decades left to go on a space journey. He's still mostly frozen, so he isn't really aging much, but he also can't move around. The ship's AI has been programmed for this contingency, so it

I actually love him in The Devil's Advocate. His accent is a little distracting at the beginning of the movie, but that goes away. He really sells his arc, I think.

I think that a fifteen-year-old engaging in this kind of behaviour should be stopped and educated. You're still just getting out of childhood at that age and it's entirely possible that you've been taught wrongly or not at all about love and sex. I do think that it's not right to condemn a teenager for doing what

Related to that, I think it persists in movies because it's a melodramatic, high-intensity vision of how love works. It turns something that isn't inherently about competition and striving into something that is. Treating a love interest as an object, someone to be won or lost, gives a story about attraction the

Just once, I want to see a movie like this that scores its big emotional moment with a soulful rendition of "Diamonds in the Mine".

Where does Dr. Smith fall into this? Is he an arch-conservative, a fey academic, a crypto-Jew? Does John regard him with undisguised revulsion at all times and loses his mind over the rest of the family being OK with him?

My mom told me once, when we were watching reruns of All in the Family, that my grandfather hated the show when it was first on because he realized that the show was making fun of him. He was a lot like Archie Bunker in real life (mechanic instead of cabbie, Maritime Canadian instead of New Yorker, but general

I do think it's almost inevitable that he'll prove to be an international laughing stock. He's going to enter every negotiation as the least experienced and competent diplomat in the room. I have a feeling he'll farm that responsibility out very quickly.

A crowbar would count as a deadly weapon, wouldn't it? A person could very easily be killed with one, at least as easily as one could be with a knife.

Neoliberalism and neoconservativism (the ultimate heel tag team; their stable is The Invisible Hand) have done a great job at exerting downward mobility on my family. Clawing my way up has not been a easy process and I'm still basically a disaster or two away from utter ruin at any given point in time. It's

Perhaps. I've heard this often, but I'm more inclined to the view that economic rhetoric on the campaign trail has become something of a fig-leaf. People do find a candidate's stance on the economic status quo important, but I don't know if it goes much beyond whether "NEW THING GOOD" or "STAY THE COURSE" will carry

I disagree with the analysis of the US election as being primarily a left-right battle. This one was different. I see it as a divide-and-conquer affair, where it was a matter of who could bring splintered groups into strategically-advantageous coalitions (it's hard to overestimate the importance of geography in how

Depending on your preferences and those of your partner, you could turn this into roleplaying lemonade. There are lots of fantasies where premature ejaculation could be fantastic for verisimilitude. Aside from that, you could do things like getting your partner there first and then capping the moment with a timed

I only know a couple of Americans and I think they all voted Clinton (even the Republican; an older white woman could still find her limit when faced with someone like Trump). My older brother, who is as Canadian as I am, has gone for Trump in a big way. It was pretty obvious that this was going to happen; Infowars

I think the problem is that you're talking about something an individual would do, not a party. Individuals can decide to try to live rationally, but I don't know if groups can. Group psychology is a powerful force.

Enough for a dramatic reading of Twelfth Night.

"Cor./rupt" sounds like a light industrial band that had a single hit in 1999.