
That shooting is when I started seriously trying to come up with an idea. At Pulse, the guard on duty had a much harder situation to deal with than the shooter. The shooter had the benefit of surprise and didn't need to care who he hit. The guard had to hit the right person, once they started shooting, in a dark

I gather that he's pretty devoted to painting these days.

It's too bad, too, because he actually has a character arc and learns something by the end of the movie. It'd be nice to see them take the idea to heart.

Exactly. Political comedy can be a fine thing, but you can't forget that it's comedy. I kind of think that satire shouldn't be a day job, if that makes sense. Satire should be something that someone does when they see something that needs puncturing. Stewart and Colbert had daily fodder, to be sure, so they were

I should have said "hitting first".

It's indeed an out-there idea. I've been trying to think laterally, because it seems like the armament dispute keeps coming to an uneasy equilibrium that pitches wildly whenever someone shoots up a place. I have my own biases; I'm Canadian and tend to think that our gun control policies are basically logical, so I'm

You know, I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I've always run into this problem: guns really aren't terribly well-suited to being protective. If someone attacks you with a knife and you have a stick, then you can theoretically keep the knife off of you without hitting back (though that's not going to

Basing one's comedy on an ideological stance and never deviating from it is death for jokes, I think. I figure that most good right-wing comics don't put their politics up front because it would lead to bad material. Like, look at Mike Nelson. He's a long-time Republican (I have no idea how he voted this time), but

Meth, you are doing everyone here a service by keeping track of that particular brand of horror, but please take care of yourself. Looking at that 4chan shit can rot your soul.

Dollarmenunit is a troll. I've seen them posting in various troll styles (fake agreement that goes too far, deliberately obtuse arguments like this one) that generally don't get moderated. They're just here to waste everyone's time. I would recommend not engaging.

I miss those days. There were so many fun curiosities around for the consoles. Will we ever see another God Hand?

When I lived on a farm with stove heating, we used to collect pallets specifically as cheap kindling. Who the hell thought this was acceptable?

Here's one case that I recall. This was severe kidney failure caused by a long-term habit of drinking large amounts of home-made iced tea every day. This was 16 glasses per day, so obviously way more than 6-7 cups, but certainly something to keep in mind. As a tea fiend myself, I keep this as a cautionary tale.

Buzz has been around here for a very long time under various names, so some of the regulars have been talking with him off and on for years now. I would guess that it's familiarity as much as anything.

Does she think she lives in Megacity One or something? I kind of doubt that whistling is currently on the books anywhere.

Forget the inefficiency. I want to know why they let the guy compete when getting punched only makes him stronger.

It still looks like the name of an open source Excel clone to me.

Clipboards. Every class will be conducted in the format of walk-and-talk.

I don't think you can generally get yeast in packages. My brother told me they saved up breadcrumbs for that part. Otherwise, yeah, it was orange juice and sugar packets, as many of the latter as possible.

I play in a band with a guy who spent three years in Japan back in the early 80s. He told me that weed was so hard to get that they would use the following method at times.