
Maybe boarding schools are a historical anomaly, something that would only have been popular in British culture of the time, and only spread at all because they had an empire?

Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if a fifth of the drivers around here were technically over the limit on weekends. People drink pretty casually. It's pretty much just a question of whether or not they run afoul of the RIDE program.

It's a strange thing. Race was basically an artificial concept to begin with and has now taken on its own life in the centuries since. Racism isn't logical, so expecting it to follow rules is just a recipe for frustration.

You must have hated music class.

There's been this weird trend among white supremacists to openly consider the idea of letting certain Asian ethnicities into the club, so to speak. Anders Breivik mused about that in his manifesto, I think. The right wing in Japan sometimes has a certain similarity to the worldview of these chuckleheads (see that

You're probably right, but I couldn't think of a Nickelback pun for that.

Feels like it's time, man

Isn't the latter an actual term of endearment in some parts of Wales? I remember a video explaining Welsh profanity that mentioned that fact.

It's a have-cake-eat-it-too scenario not unfamiliar in children's literature. His story depends on him growing up in isolation and penury (which also makes him more sympathetic), but when poverty is in a story, it tends to become the subject of the story. Giving him a massive bank account in the wizarding world is

OK, so I'm not the only one who thought that Rowling had unintentionally implied something really dark to her adult readers? Those centaurs did not look like they had good intentions.

Post-truth era, you know? Turn that into some fake news and get that shit to Facebook. There are whole nickels in ad revenue waiting!

Fetishes are getting ever more elaborate these days, it seems.

He also has a massive stash in Gringott's, though. Does that make him a blue-collar billionaire?

The Malfoys are Orangemen?

Will drunk drivers make the same mistake afterwards? Never Again.

Yep, they could have been their own album if there are that many. Now I'm going to have to look them up to see which ones I'm forgetting.

The crush advice was fine. There really wasn't that much else to say about it; "you're right, it's time to move on". The drug advice was practically self-parody, though.

My political advice would be to prepare yourself to let him yell whatever imprecations he wants at you so long as you can keep your cool and take the high road around neutral or sympathetic witnesses. Your description makes him sound like someone who will have no hesitation in coming off like a jackass to people who

Will he ever say that stuff to your face? If so, that's a time as appropriate as any.

As someone who generally agrees with your premise, I actually quite liked Music + Lyrics. It was decently funny and I found the romance pretty believable.