
Just check out Chris Hadfield. Total silver fox.

How would that work? Wouldn't the current justices have to justify a decision that essentially declared that the court who decided on Roe v. Wade got it wrong? Won't the current justices have an issue with that? It seems like they'd need a whole new set of justices (and, frankly, some corruption) to get a majority

A lonely German from PRAGUE

Huh. Didn't know that was even possible. You win this round, Infowars.

"Why Don't You Try?"

Is that something one can do? I've never heard of a pardon coming before a charge.

A Part Of Our Heritage

This is the best Comics Page series yet. It's exactly what I was hoping to see from the feature: something where the action is internal. The art is really well-matched to the story, too. I'm looking forward to the next installment.

And now it's time, ladies and gentlemen! Sandra! Are you ready to

I think there's a reason why I've never heard of 8-track revivalists.

I think there's a reason why I've never heard of 8-track revivalists.

I think there's a reason why I've never heard of 8-track revivalists.

I think there's a reason why I've never heard of 8-track revivalists.

I think there's a reason why I've never heard of 8-track revivalists.

Can the person with the paper cut still take priority over the person with the kidney stone?

Can you really divide something on the same lines along which it has already been divided? The lines were cut long ago.

I've been thinking that this whole election has played out at a Twilight Zone-level of cheap irony. People voted for Trump because they wanted a change, you say? They wanted to strike a blow at the DC establishment, did they? I wonder how they'll feel when their candidate wins and immediately surrounds himself with

*Jefferson continues doing whatever the hell it is he does in Montecello*

I somehow knew that you'd talk about Songs of Love and Hate. Just a hunch. I think it's the album that's most like a journey. It takes you from one place to another in a way that's shockingly honest. Few artists cut so close to the bone. This article is the same way. Thank you, Sean.