
I somehow knew that you'd talk about Songs of Love and Hate. Just a hunch. I think it's the album that's most like a journey. It takes you from one place to another in a way that's shockingly honest. Few artists cut so close to the bone. This article is the same way. Thank you, Sean.

I somehow knew that you'd talk about Songs of Love and Hate. Just a hunch. I think it's the album that's most like a journey. It takes you from one place to another in a way that's shockingly honest. Few artists cut so close to the bone. This article is the same way. Thank you, Sean.

I somehow knew that you'd talk about Songs of Love and Hate. Just a hunch. I think it's the album that's most like a journey. It takes you from one place to another in a way that's shockingly honest. Few artists cut so close to the bone. This article is the same way. Thank you, Sean.

Sounds like it. It's not like people are going to stop ordering food.

I have been trying to find numbers that would relate specifically to black people in the US in 1976 or thereabouts, as that is what the initial assertion was actually about, but I haven't come up with anything yet. As I have to get to work, I'll leave that where it is for now and simply point out that the initial

If I understand what I've heard and read, this starts with the idea of race (and "whiteness" specifically) as a historical construct. Basically, members of the ruling class invented whiteness for economic reasons; specifically, it made it easier to enslave Africans. Notice how white nationalists/supremacists,

God, that first debate made Trump come off like Stop and Frisk Fan #1. Fuck knows what kind of "law and order" measures people are courting him with as we speak.

By what metric? In 1976, the US would have been just coming off of the recession of '73-'75. You're saying that people one year out from a recession were better off economically than people in the current year, which is several more years off from a recession? The mid-'70s were hard times compared to the last few

His comment says 40 years, at least as it appears to me. Things are definitely better now for black people in the US than they were in the mid-'70s.

Back in high school, I was in a Canadian Literature class. As was standard (and hopefully still is), we covered some of Cohen's poetry. At the time, I was already in the beginning stages of my lifelong Cohen fandom, so I was already familiar with some of it. The presence of the poetry, however, gave me license to

One by one, the guests were cast beyond the garden walls.

Do you want to be the ditch around a tower?

If you're playing the game of carving up new political territories, it could be interesting to include the rest of the continent too. The whole west coast from BC down to California works surprisingly well as a loose political unit (Nevada probably fits into this pretty well, too). I don't know much of anything

My friend's TV has something called Game Mode. It is godawful. It makes me genuinely start wondering if something is wrong with my vision beyond the nearsightedness when they flip it on, because I have no idea why anyone would want anything to look like that. It somehow manages to to make everything look like it

If I'm correct about which is which, then I hate them both but motion smoothing way more. The modern world is lost on me.

Aspects of protectionism can work, but the global economy makes it difficult to institute them effectively without losing ground. For instance, you could use a judicious strategy of tariffs and subsidies over a long period to promote domestic manufacturing, in theory. You make imports more expensive and use the

I'm starting to think that the Get Blasted Party would have the broadest possible base of support. You've got enough bloody brewers these days to switch to an alcohol-based economy anyway.

It seems like people make a call for American unity after every election. It's a tradition, so well-worn as to be rote. From this outsider's perspective, it seems strange to me. Your country isn't unified and probably never was. I don't know how many countries ever have been, really, but the US is definitely

I noticed it last week too, I think, which was also a week when the article went up in the morning. Perhaps Savage Love has changed its distribution method somehow?

For me, part of the problem is that I almost always hate how HD looks. I still sometimes can't believe that a majority of people like it more. It makes everything look weird and fake to me. I don't think I've seen 4K yet, but I doubt it will buck the trend.