
I've always found it sort of an ungainly term, but it does communicate its meaning once one has learned it. It's like technical language: awkward to say out loud, but descriptive in useful ways. I've found that it wasn't that hard to get used to it once I started seeing it everywhere.

I remember reading years ago that he wanted his last movie to be about John Brown and for him to play the starring role. Maybe he got that setting out of his system with Django, though.

She needs a part where she's dressed like Mona Lisa and has a little gun (the oblivion is implied by the concept).

I'd have to disagree. The celebration is needed that much more badly when death is shocking and sudden. That's when you really need to puke on the reaper's shoes.

There was apparently some buzz about a We3 script that Morrison had written himself a while back. I read a review of it that was positively glowing. I have heard absolutely nothing else about it since.

Tell him he's up for the draft and watch that change overnight.

Writers can be the worst snobs about this kind of thing. The hobbyist/fanfiction writer gets no respect. Apparently you're not a real writer until you're firmly riding the crest of a trend for the sake of very minor remuneration. It's both interesting and depressing to see what the scent of money does to unpaid

I don't really want to get much beyond the part-time level myself. I want to keep playing my local shows, make some records, and tour every so often. You know what happens beyond that. It's not an existence that I think I could stand. It'd be subverting the creative aspect to the business aspect, and I can

It was the first thing to give me anything approaching real confidence. My first band is one of those unforgettable milestones in my life (my first show with them is easy to remember, too: Hallowe'en 2008).

I hate the denigration of the hobbyist musician. Music can be performed for an audience no larger than the musician him- or herself. Playing alone or with friends only is mostly how music is made and has been for ages. I think we give the idea of getting paid way too much power to validate what we do (I know I did

That right there would be a total justification for the feature even if no other justification existed. I keep wondering if people who make and post stuff like that ever have to wrestle with themselves over it.

That's the real trial, eh? When there's no reliable way to know if or when it's the right thing to make the leap, it's far easier to linger on the ledge. If she's unhappy too, though, I think it's a sign. Unless you can both honestly say that you see happiness in a future together, it might be best for the whole

Might be a bit of a chicken and egg situation. As a musician with mental health issues, I have a feeling that I came to this partially because it can still cut through and make me feel better when most other things can't. Playing music really takes the edge off of anxiety in specific; I'd highly recommend learning

I suck at sleeping. One of my recipes for overcoming this is to combine a muted Youtube video of a long train journey (just poke around, there are tons) with the KLF's Chill Out. Works pretty much every time.

I don't get it. I don't understand the appeal in the first place and I don't get how someone can enjoy coming back to the same place endlessly to fight with the same people. Where's the percentage?

I don't block users myself, but I can see the value. I've learned when to stop engaging in a conversation and, hopefully, when to stay out of it in the first place. I can understand, though, that people might not see that something is trolling, might want to show evidence that the commentariat doesn't support

I think it all goes back to a) their white nationalism and b) their origins in internet fringe cultures. To put it bluntly, they're talking about politics in terms of pornography. They're calling white liberals/anti-racists/feminists/"cultural Marxists" cuckolds in reference to the idea that they're standing by

This is one of those situations where advice doesn't really work because you already understand the situation. What I can say, as someone who was both quite young and one of four kids when my parents divorced, is that you really can't easily predict what kind of effect it will have on the kids. My older brother and

They're so damned obvious these days, too. Two posts in and it was obvious what that one was up to. I wonder how many of them are just the same person who can't get over this site.

If you've never seen it with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme added on, then you probably don't need to because it plays out exactly like you'd imagine.