
Oh, not every day. Just when you're dressing up anyway. Gigging will be a perfect opportunity to try out some makeup. I've found that one perk of being a musician is being afforded a social license to dress with some daring. You can take advantage of that to experiment with prettying up.

If you're pretty in eyeliner, maybe you could try out the eyeliner a bit more often. Can't hurt, right?

I don't know as most of us could start a franchise without getting everyone involved to agree to be paid in butter tarts.

Ezra Pound: brilliant Imagist poet and fascist sympathizer? Join us as we discuss the first part and not the second.

I was on the outside of this, but if I remember what went on up here in Canada correctly, the issue in Pride circles had to do with the now-standard (more or less) police participation in the parade. From what I heard, it was basically a matter of symbolism, messaging, and solidarity. Does it send a message of

I suppose a Wisconsin accent would be an expert-level challenge for a British actor.

*moderator of r/PaintDrying leaves quietly*

Should've had him do a Bronx accent.

I do that, but I'm not fond of it. I've mostly avoided 3D movies for that reason (that and the mild incipient headaches).

I think it's Nick Carter. Lots of heartthrobs with whatever the hell we called that cut.

Consultants of SHIELD

People talk about how superhero movies are for the current period what westerns were for much of the 20th century. I think this is another aspect of that in that these are the movies that are getting made and, therefore, one of the main opportunities for big roles. In other words, if these actors hadn't taken this

Something like this, maybe? I remember a fair number of haircuts in this vein throughout the decade.

I still think it may be their best. They were completely on fire in the early '90s.

Dang, Ack Ack. You never told us you were that handsome. Not knowing what you look like with the beard, I'd advise you to keep it off. You've got this distinguished vibe going on and I'm digging it.

Mbiras or kalimbas, depending on type.

It's kind of surprising how many of the sides get pork worked into them somehow at a rib festival. Given how much pork they're going through, it must just make sense to use all of that grease.

Feeling sick will come later. She probably doesn't have sufficient intestinal flora yet to break it down properly, so digestion will have been a problem. If one must reintroduce meat to one's diet, it seems prudent to do it slowly and carefully.

Make your choice to watch at 11 or not! No one can make it for you!

I get where you're coming from. Politically, faith is a weird concept. It has this performative aspect that's used pretty much entirely to communicate directly to a subculture. How often have you seen some politician get caught doing something and try to get out of it by talking about all of the praying they're