
That's a Pearls Before Swine-level of convoluted punning and laboured setup. I'm almost impressed.

Time has been kind to Sea Change. I remember contemporary reviews that seemed disappointed, almost to the point of being aghast, that Beck had decided to make a folk album that wasn't in the mold of Nick Drake. It's well over a decade later and those songs are still evergreen. The strings on "Paper Tiger" and

I tend to be of the opinion that most Halloween movie parties are better served by monster movies than actual full-on horror movies, personally. Unless you happen to have curated an audience of premium sickos, the monster movie will be more fun and easier to get into for casual viewers. I think pretty much anybody

Say that someone decided to sue her for these tweets (unlikely, granted, but this is a hypothetical). What could they allege that wouldn't confirm their identity as the person to whom she's referring? How could they prove that's who she meant? Several people on this board have already come up with a list of several

I'm genuinely starting to wonder if this church is deliberately imitating Scientology. That's some straight-up cult behaviour, particularly that last detail. I hope they go down soon, because they sound like they're riding for a fall and they need to disintegrate before they hurt more people. No church should ever

Do you think that those church leaders ever let themselves realize that they should burn for this? I wonder if they have sleepless nights, knowing that they're traitors to their God (regardless of whether or not said god actually exists) and their own souls. If some Luther nailed their hypocrisies to their door,

It strikes me that this might be a bit like a blind item, getting the information out there without being legally responsible and therefore subject to a lawsuit. If this is enough information for people to figure it out, then she gets to throw a shovelful of dirt on the fucker without getting sued (as suing her now

I stayed, but I kind of hated the groundbreaking innovation in cinematic technology. I don't even like HD on TVs. I'm sure many will love the effect, but I'm mainly curious right now whether this will look great or unwatchable to me.

I figure the DNC stuff in the last batch was intended to try to cleave off some Sanders supporters who would otherwise hold their noses at the polling station. Other than that, I'm not really seeing the strategy. They're bolstering Trump's base, but that base was already pretty bolstered. Maybe they're just hoping

I'm no expert, but I can't think of any instances where a candidate for the Presidency actually died during the race. Several died shortly after, but they always made it through the election. If Trump died tomorrow, it would make about as much sense as anything else that's happened in this ridiculous year.

I've seen that around, too. The quest for purity of essence knows no bounds. Conspiracy theorists are often like Christians of slightly different denominations who cannot brook exceedingly minor theological differences because there is ONE TRUTH, DAMN IT

So. Do you think Wikileaks has anything else in the queue at this point? Was the "October Surprise" really just more email stuff? At this point, I think anybody who could have been swayed by the emails has already been swayed by them. There are diminishing returns on this approach, especially considering that the

I figure they'd be getting some of the same people as Infowars has, which means that (assuming that Infowars didn't just hop right over to the Trump network) any funding they'd receive would only allow for shows at a public-access level of production values. If you consider that Jones and crew are presumably quite

Salmon Chase lives again! I think they even left you a seat on the Supreme Court.

That movie was OK. Nothing special, but it was a decent spoof for stretches. The running joke of various extras dying preposterously every so often was funny enough.

Bearing in mind that I understand this may be the joke: it would be very difficult to come up with public explanations for why a lawsuit was private without essentially defeating the desired privacy in the process. It's like how you can end up spreading a secret in some cases just by letting people know that it

At least Chocolate managed to get every last drop out of the concept of an autistic martial artist. She even got to fight another martial artist who used his Tourette's to dodge better. This doesn't sound like it has any saving graces to speak of.

Mama always hoped I'd grow up to be a sidekick! If he thinks plaid is too flashy, he's probably safe from Hawaiian shirts. Their absolute floor is still pretty loud.

I suppose it all depends on his views on illustrations of flowers and surfers. Honestly, I've worn them since childhood, so it seems normal to me. I figure older guys go for them because they fit well with a relaxed attitude and lots of guys either relax as they get older or want to be seen that way. Maybe you

A Mighty Wind remains one of the funniest movies ever among folk musicians. The details are incredibly sharply-drawn. It might seem slight to devote a third of a movie to an incredibly specific parody of the Kingston Trio, for example, but the Folksmen will always remain as the definitive comedic word on them. A