

I think there's an element of buried general misanthropy in that whole strain of human behaviour. Constantly assuming that your crush's partners are abusing him/her with no real-world signs that anything like that is actually happening may well stem from simply hating people and thinking the worst of them all of the

I always loved that Gygax cheerfully pursued his own sartorial vision throughout his life. Honestly, what sort of bullshit would it be for the co-creator of D&D to pretend that he gave a fuck about modern fashion? This is the guy who made a table that you roll against to see exactly what kind of strumpet one

Child support seems to be a real left-hand-ignorant-of-right's-actions situation in many cases. It wouldn't be at all unusual, as far as I can tell, if this guy is just sitting around and letting the back payments build up with no real action or enforcement until he tries to do something that requires the government

Not if you're planning to be on a fixed income for 5000 years, no.

When I'm around younger people, I tend to have to fight the urge to start warning them about how awful things are probably going to get. I listen to them being all awkward and hopeful and innocently arrogant and I have to remember that a) I didn't manage to capitalize on the good advice that I got at their age, b)

I want to see Nic Cage reciting choice selections from Trump's portion of the debates. "I have a WINNING TEMPERAMENT!"

I was asked about it by one of the younger siblings of the teenager with whom I work. As she was an 11-year-old at the time and had very little background in politics, I went with fairly general answers: he's popular because of TV, he had a string of bankruptcies when I was a kid and I don't know why people take him

When I was a child, I loved her (to the point of having a crush) in Generation X. I think she might be a character that ended up sadly out of place when superhero comics largely ditched the concept of actual children reading them (before things like the ascendancy of Boom! began to hook a new generation). Written a

It's almost certainly an age thing. One of the younger sisters of the teenager with whom I work loves Miranda Sings enough to have traded her 12th birthday party for tickets and a ride to another city to see her perform live. There's a whole mini-mythology of Easter eggs and callbacks and such, apparently.

Now here's a little story that I'd like to tell / about a lady named Carol and this dude Mar-Vell

Special guest appearances by Seth Rogen and W. Kamau Bell?

Social democracy is a pretty well-established term/concept. I was never clear on whether or not Sanders was talking about that or something else with the democratic socialism thing, as it's just the two words in a different order.

Pharmacist and/or phrenologist? What did he think of her brainpan?

The real problem is that DeLonge had a song with them literally named "Aliens Exist". It's kind of hard to come up with a clever pun when that's already in the room.

He probably likes how they give his bass that slapback sound.

It sounds like she wanted to make an Impact.

It does change things regarding permission, though. If I recall correctly, you can always cover someone regardless of permission so long as you pay rights for any recordings (in live settings, the venue theoretically pays through their license). If you're using an actual recording that someone else owns, though,

Renewed that subscription to the Voluntary Extinction Times, eh?

I wouldn't be surprised if it were par for the course. I paddle around in shallower waters, so take it with a grain of salt, but I've rarely seen security at a bar doing anything obviously effective. That could be good, in that it might be that their presence is enough of a deterrent, but I'm reminded of a gig I