
If South Park wasn't doing its election storyline with a stand-in, the obvious alternative would have been to do what they did with Roger Goodell and just have all of Trump's lines be actual recordings of things he said.

Condolences. I remember when my grandmother died. She was 99, but it was still a very fast and steep decline. It's always a shock, but at least it didn't linger.

Barry White would have words with you on that.

That profile only has 84 comments at the time of this writing, though, so it wouldn't have taken very long to get to that one even if it were the last.

I think it's a bit much to ascribe an agenda to the fellow who's moving at a glacial pace without other details. That could be the case, but it could also be that this is as fast as he can go and/or as far as he can go. The latter would probably be doom for the relationship, but the former could theoretically be

Were these rooms in some version of the Cube from Cube or something?

Candyman, as I recall.

It might be interesting to assemble such a list. I keep thinking that I can't think of very much music from the '90s that I like, but then I remember all of the albums that don't sound much like the stereotypes of the decade. I like Watt's stuff more than most of what I remember from that year.

I wouldn't. I'm poor, but my life is my own. Her life wouldn't fit my personality at all. If having money means having thieves after you at all points, then money doesn't sound that great.

Martha Wayne, Batman's mother. Shot during a mugging.

Are these terms of innovation regarding music right now or music in general? There have been much more innovative times than the present period for music historically.

It's interesting to compare this one to the series that kept going for dark origins for kid stuff. This focuses on ghostly stuff that already exists and takes it in a lighter direction. It's sort of like a more child-friendly Addams Family vibe.

I had somehow managed to internalize "shadow of a doubt" instead of "reasonable doubt" all of these years, so I used the wrong term. I've since corrected course on that.

It is indeed a tricky balance. I suppose that, ultimately, what we're seeing here is part of a gradual and profound societal change regarding how the crime of rape is perceived. At an unscientific guess, I'd wager that rape is seen, on average, as just under murder in terms of severity. Basically, I think that many

How could you mistake the person telling chokes like these? After all, I'm always hanging around! Hehehehehehehe!

Turns out you're right about the reasonable doubt thing. You make good points. As I mentioned elsewhere, I was thinking of what happened up here with Jian Ghomeshi, where the defense won the case based on successfully attacking the witnesses' credibility through questions about things that had happened over a decade

I think this might be an eye-of-the-beholder situation. I always liked Toni and Candice. They kind of reminded me of my mom's old friend who's like my quasi-aunt. Some of my friends, on the other hand, started to find those sketches too much to take just because of how they act in them.

I don't know if they want to go down that road.

You can always find doom and blood at your local hostile! Hehehehehehehehe!

I've been thinking that it's pretty unlikely that many more convictions would result from striking down the statute, due to evidence getting worse over time. However, it seems to me that that would have an effect against false convictions. Old cases would rarely lead to conviction unless the evidence was very