
Given that criminal convictions require guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, wouldn't convictions be less likely as evidence got patchier with time? I'm thinking of the Ghomeshi case up here, where the defense won out largely through attacking the reliability of witness testimony, some of which regarded events over a

Unless the evidentiary standard is relaxed (it won't be), the degradation of evidence favours the defendant. Criminal proceedings will still require proof beyond the shadow of a doubt, so evidence getting shakier as time goes on would produce a trend towards acquittals in older cases unless some very strong evidence

If I do, then Loeffler is saying, in effect, that her sister's story ("the situations surrounding it", as Union euphemistically puts it) would end up effectively being part of the publicity surrounding the whole thing. Already, anything that we hear about this movie is going to include some mention of it. Union is

No. Memes are terrible. They're instantly tiresome and not worth the effort taken to perceive them, much less to create them.

Imagining Trump and Trudeau interacting would be the only good thing about a Trump win. Those two barely seem to inhabit the same universe at times.

I think Eric Thurm would chain himself to the front entrance and refuse to let anyone in or out if they threatened to cancel Steven Universe coverage.

I've been plotting out what to watch next now that I'm up to date on Steven Universe, as I don't have much time in a week for watching things and I want to get through some of my huge backlog. The thing about cartoons is that they get through so much so fast. If I spend an hour a night watching something (not a

Who else figures that at least two Adventure Time storyboarders will have Cartoon Network pilots in 2018? Talent like that won't just give up and do something else, and look how far it's taken Rebecca Sugar.

True enough. I have definitely seen people practically sweating to set up a joke here, so this is hardly unusual. I just like to dissect jokes and see what works and what doesn't. Humour is a fascinating thing.

I think you want "bi-racial". "Octoroon" sounds like something a gloating slaver would write down in his ledger while marking up the price.

If you're actually asking for critique, I'd say it was too much of a reach without setup. You're asking the audience to recognize the reference to OJ's book (not universal, but well-known enough to be a reasonable gambit), note that you're misremembering who actually wrote it (automatic if you know who did, confusing

I'm purely guessing, but I'm thinking that the bags are more practical for transportation. You can stack them together more easily than bottles or cartons. There's no "up", exactly, until you define it by opening the bag, so their orientation doesn't matter before that point. Basically, I think it's more for the

If they find a way to make a modern, kid-friendly version of an old Burt Reynolds movie, it might be decent enough. Just find a clear reason for cars to drive really fast, ramp off of stuff, and flip dozens of times whenever they crash.

Someone get Iron Chef Morimoto over here at once!

Oh, he'll do that, and he'll give her something she can take home to boot.

Mm-mmm, jambalaya rolls! Authentic!

I have a bit of distance, since I'm not American and don't have a vote in this election. From that distance, I often wonder how you fellows still have a union. You have so many huge disagreements about things that seem fundamental to operating a country. It's a wonder that the enterprise keeps chugging along

I kind of love that about him. He doesn't even try to hide it. It's that whole "everything is part of one huge magnum opus" thing that fuels his career.

I wasn't surprised at everyone having a different opinion of how it went, as that's how these things tend to go. It was the way that they read the situation that got me. The CBC feed was good for this, as they had tweets showing up in the corner with all sorts of takes on it. Just watching that demonstrated how

Yes, I've seen the four sticks around. I think I just end up tuning them out because I never buy them (I almost always put off buying butter until there's a massive sale, at which point I buy many bricks and stash them away, and the four smaller sticks are rarely on sale like that). They look good for chopping up