
The vocal performance was very good and the lead guitar was fantastic (I loved the vaguely clarion-ish riff May added to the instrumental bits). I just wish it existed in addition to one from the 80s, you know?

Does this mean that I'm… mega-correct?

I watched it with two friends (who are dating). We ended it concurring that it was kind of a massacre in terms of debating qua debating. We clicked around to some different feeds in order to get post-debate analysis from a few different sources, eventually trying five in total.

That looks similar, but I think (hard to tell because of the angle) that the brick is about half the size of the ones I have in the fridge, which are normally 500g.

You buy the milk in bags (usually three of them in a larger bag). You put the bag into a jug that's designed to hold bags securely upright. You snip one corner of the bag so that you can pour the milk. The milk itself never touches the jug under ideal conditions. The jug exists purely because pouring a bag of milk

The different things are all ultimately subsets of one thing. Everything that he wouldn't do for love is something that he might do if he loved another woman. By promising her that he won't lie to her, won't hold back on his passion, won't have something more intense with another lover, won't let the flame die in

Whenever I hear "Original Sin" (which is frequent, as I keep the Pandora's Box version on my mp3 player), I think that I'm hearing peak Steinman. Then I think the same thing about any other song of his that I hear. You have to admire someone with such a strong creative voice that any song he writes is unmistakably

Well, you need the jug to hold the bag, ya hosehead! Otherwise, you'd just be getting the white stuff all over everybody and everything.

That's what I thought. The bricks that I'm describing are more or less four of those arranged into a rectangular prism. Bit big for a butt plug.

So I gather that butter is generally sold in the US in long, somewhat thin sticks, yes? I seem to recall that from a previous visit. I'm trying to make sense of the mental image I got from that one caller, as butter up here in Canada is generally sold in largish bricks that seem like they'd have to be chopped up a

Good catch. The staggered, staccato, rising and falling phrase is pretty much the aural equivalent of ascending the last set of stairs before the final conflict.

Interesting! I didn't know that. It makes sense.

I've had one or two decaf blends that weren't bad. I think they were Earl Grey-style, which probably helped with preserving the flavour. It sucks that you can't drink much black tea, but green tea is pretty wonderful itself. I've been dipping my toe into it a bit more (helps with the flavour, you know) and getting

Are you allergic around hay? I've heard that people with such an allergy can get affected by chamomile that way.

Green is best as a digestive, I think. The lower amount of caffeine is a good choice after dinner. Before that, I go for black. White is more like a dessert. Chamomile is for calming the hell down after loading up on caffeine all day.

Even "tea-plant tea" could theoretically open up confusion over whether one means black or green (though everyone who wants green tea probably refers to it as such in practice). Tea is a complicated subject.

I wonder if a recycling place/scrapyard (don't know what facilities they have) would make you a deal. They smelt it, you get some of the money for the scrap. Then you could donate it and be absolutely positive that the inheritance has been good for the world.

Interesting moral conundrum. One take on it is that you're not adding to the gun problem by reselling existing guns responsibly, as the guns were already in circulation and would simply be returning there. If you actually got tens of thousands of dollars for them and you actually donated the whole amount to a good

The alt-right stuff that I've seen is highly inconsistent in terms of philosophy. I figure the best way to make sense of it is to recast it as a critical theory of sorts, as it's fundamentally reactive. Its adherents seem to see it as a corrective to mainstream conservativism; taken as a from-the-ground-up political

Dance of the Holyman, from Super Castlevania IV, was always one of my favourites. It's the first full level music in the game, so it has to set a tone. The tone it chooses to set is that of the "Thriller" music video, more or less, and it pulls it off in fine, funky fashion. The organ riff that serves as its climax