
I got a decent correspondence going on OKCupid once by leading off with the Voight-Kampff test before getting into something more substantial. Maybe lead off with some humour?

"Snap Pince-Nez"

My mom watched all of Saving Grace on Netflix once. I was amazed at how believably tough and hardbitten Holly Hunter could be. I never once saw her as anything other than a seasoned badass.

The Jerry Lundegaard connection is astonishing. This dude fucked himself over so incredibly hard that it's scarcely believable. By the end of it, all I could see was Lundegaard trying to climb out of the motel window with the cops all around.

I'd rather have that be separate from my phone, generally speaking, and that's entirely because all of that stuff drains the battery. Phone + tablet is my preference these days. The charge lasts longer and I'm not boned if one or the other goes down.

Part of the difference may be that my brothers are literally bros in some ways. If Sublime was available, Sublime was getting played.

Depends on the station. I'm in London ON and the local modern rock station (FM 96) still plays Sublime all the time. It might be a special case, though, as that station went from being almost purely modern to being virtually classic rock simply by not changing their playlist so much after the early Oughts.

I just can't imagine having that much money and wasting it on something so obviously worthless. How would it even be possible to think of this as a worthwhile thing to do? Politics aside: they're fucking memes. It's a group that turns memes into billboards. Are they proud of this? Do they tell their mothers, when

I suppose that sort of efficiency is how he got to the top in the first place.

Yeah, this is a prime example of how some people can't handle money. What did he think was going to happen? Doesn't a phrase like "shitposting is powerful" trip some alarms for this guy regarding how he's probably the one being trolled?

I liked the 2008 movie. It was politically silly, but fantastic for Rambo's character and overall ultraviolence. The part where he decapitates the guy with one knife blow pretty much sums it up.

God, that fucking ad campaign. It gave away practically every important plot point in the movie. When I eventually saw it, I figured that they must have left some twist unspoiled, but nope!

This is the main thing that comes into my head whenever I see this archetype pop up in something. It never gets old for me.

Thanks. My expectations are now set accordingly.

I haven't seen Civil War yet. Is the shakiness better or worse than, say, the Bourne Identity? I'm really not a fan of shaky-cam action scenes.

Boo to that. We had hell of laughs and good times and I'm still tight with most of my friends from then. A small party with comrades is better than a big one full of semi-strangers any day. You can skip the small talk and get straight to the good stuff.

I was a wrestler for a couple of years. I wouldn't have turned anybody on who wasn't sexually excited by walruses, but I went out and dutifully made people work up a sweat before they won on points (not counting the time I won through masterfully slowing the match to a glacial crawl once I was slightly ahead). Yeah,

That was broadly true at my high school. It was a smaller school and the cliques generally didn't have too much friction. I knew some of the cheerleaders casually and they were fine. It wasn't really a big deal. Most of the nerds were way nastier to each other. (Not my buds, though. We were drunken roleplayers

If all of those things are part of how a university is supposed to challenge and broaden its students, though, I would say that it then stands to reason that students can expect their university to curate those things for that purpose. If you're essentially paying for experts to create programs of classes and events

I have a client who apparently smeared his feces on walls when he was a little kid. He hasn't been abused, but he is on an antipsychotic. It's not necessarily abuse, as there are a number of things that could cause that behaviour. Now, bear in mind that I say this without the context of this case, with which I am