
I believe those are fobs. Could be wrong.

Good article. I'm going to investigate. I'll bet these people would do some fundraising.

I do know shit from Shinola.

I would love it if someone would just tell me if a song I wrote sucks. One of my bands is with guys I've played with for the better part of a decade at this point. They're great guys, but they're so confrontation-averse that it gets in the way. Instead of saying that they're not into something we're doing, they'll

"Friday" is a perfect example. You hear it, you laugh at it, you move on and don't bother anybody. It's OK to react to something privately, internet.

I'd raise the idea that people aren't good at giving criticism, either. To paraphrase something I read somewhere (I think it was Chainsawsuit), criticism has a protocol and a purpose. There's a huge difference between proper criticism, even if it's stringent, and abuse. Even professional critics are often not very

Your situation is a perfect example of the problem right now. A huge city makes do with a couple of overburdened shelters and that's how the situation stands because few people will do anything about it. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Making a reasonable criticism of something someone does is fine. There's no need to attack the person. I don't think you'd see all of this happening on this level if the internet had responded with measured critique. Maybe Feldman would still be upset that people didn't like his song, but that's where it would end.

I think it might be a good idea to construct some philosophies without an ending point. Libertarianism only really makes sense as a critique. It can be valuable as a critique, but the society it created on its own wouldn't really be a society. Maybe it should be fine for it to exist just as a critical theory.

I'd agree in theory, but it seems like universities themselves are starting to act more and more like consumer experiences. It's sort of surprising how much some of the professors I've had like to keep reminding us that we're paying through the nose for all of this. It's not hard to make the leap to the idea that

I think living with contradiction is a necessary part of life. Existence is always in tension and nothing ever lines up exactly with the perfectly rational schema that can be imagined. If we want freedom and equality (and security, for that matter), we have to negotiate, because they're not all going to fit into

It makes me wonder if there's a sort of MRA fringe composed of men who are concerned about rights but not given to misogyny that could find a home in a different movement that was focused on productive activism instead of memes and conspiracy theories. You could call it Men's Health Activism and do fundraising drives

If they were fundraising for another cause, there's a decent chance that they're not hateful. The really hateful groups online seem to focus around people doing this for profit (books and speaking tours). They might actually be a legitimate men's society.

Just so. It's not a blanket solution, certainly. Perhaps a generally-acceptable tactic might simply be to have more speakers in a night? They don't have to debate, necessarily; they can just present alternative viewpoints and give the audience a chance to have the debate instead. There are problems with that, too,

I listened to that soundtrack dozens of times as a kid. We didn't have many CDs and my mom loved it. I do have to give it credit for planting seeds by introducing me to a bunch of pop music history.

I was born two years before you. I had vague ideas of about half of the historical events in the movie when I saw it as a kid. My mom absolutely loved this movie, as she is Queen Boomer in some ways; I'm of two minds about it. It's a well-made and entertaining experience, and it has some genuine substance (though

Everything you say about how it works is true. The whole edifice as it stands requires a buy-in wherein your money could end up practically anywhere. I don't think the tension inherent in that will be resolved, really.

I remember ending up in a discussion about this issue on here a while back, and I'll mention one point again: as the student body pays quite a bit into the school (unless tuition is free), I can understand students not wanting to indirectly pay for some people to speak. I'm not totally certain as to what extent Greer

I wonder if the guy with the downward penis could use (probably with modifications) a strapon harness to hold his cock at the desired angle. If it's just angling downward at the base, I can imagine something like that holding the rest of the length up.

Exactly. It's a view of the world that's often abstract and unrealistic and, at worst, cruel. Extreme adherents seem to want some kind of autarky, which is a fantastic way to die early. But I'm definitely with them on privacy rights and other human rights. Freedom is an important and contradictory idea, and I