
I've never run into the situation personally, but I suppose I always assumed that most cheaters just lied (actively or by omission) about not being single. Maybe I'm showing my age here. Is it more common these days to pretend to be in an open relationship or something?

Roddy Piper, I'm calling you out (to dinner and a movie)!!!

The Buzzcocks' "Orgasm Addict" has always been a favourite.

I have wondered, at times, whether or not it would be worth it for a men's shelter to reach out to MRA groups for fundraising. Men's shelters don't usually tend to do as well as other causes for donations and funding, I believe (though I'd be happy to be proven wrong), and it'd be a form of direct action that they

I'm not a libertarian (though I think that some forms of socialist anarchy are, at the very least, beautiful dreams worth working towards), but I sympathize with them sometimes. Rationally, I know that a society needs a lot of guaranteed cooperation to work well, even though it may be onerous. Emotionally, though, I

That's pretty much how I've lived my life up to this point (even accounting for the vegetarianism). Earlier this year, though, I had to get a physical to rule out some physical causes for a horrible depressive episode. I saw a nutritionist as part of this and got some advice on having a diet that might make it a

God, that movie is so great (yes, I'm aware that I have terrible taste). It's one of the most perfect vehicles for Pacino's mega-acting ever conceived. He has so many monologues and they're all amazing. Every time it comes up, I immediately think of him yelling "You're all alone, Eddie!" and "I'm a FAN of MAN!!"

Trump 2016: Thrill me, America

Trying to get neutral, accurate information about nutrition on the internet has been intensely frustrating to me. Everybody's got a different take, everyone presents their take as fact, most of them provide no real sourcing or justification. To that, you can add the way that practically everything I've read about

Any biopic of Jimmy Fallon has to have someone breaking in every scene.

I'm sure the standard internet dicks have already run that into the ground without me noticing. Not paying attention to the shitty parts of the internet is fucking awesome, like deciding to skip a party you're going to hate.

I wish he hadn't had either of them on. There is no way in hell that either of them is an entertaining guest. I'm going to try not to repeat this in too many places, but politicians are usually not interesting when they're not talking politics. They're not good guests for lighthearted comedic talk shows.

I really do think that late night comedy shows should quit it with the political guest unless they're actually going to talk politics. Politicians are so boring as guests. They're never going to be able to tell their most interesting stories and they're just going to be awkwardly on-message the entire time.

His Norm MacDonald interviews were fucking classic, too. You could tell what kind of comedian would be on Letterman's wavelength.

Not so good for weight loss, but pretty good if you have high cholesterol. Vegan diets are sort of a push that way, generally speaking.

Functional blandness as a survival strategy is as old as the hills. So are mobs, for that matter. The modern world is a continuation in that regard, not a radical shift.

I agree with his general sentiment, but it does leave out the part about how you're very lucky if your passion happens to line up with sustainable employment.

Yeah, it's an approach with many issues. Private enterprise just isn't often a great match with public trusts. There never seems to be enough oversight. That said, the macro effects of incentivizing environmental reform may already be having an effect. I recall an article saying that the ozone layer hole actually

In my experience, that hasn't been a taboo for years. I don't agree, but I've seen that opinion on every single Newswire thread about either series and it tends to have people agreeing with it.

I've said this before, but The Golden Compass has the best version of that I've ever seen. As I recall, the movie ends with the protagonist just sitting down and talking about all of the plot threads that will presumably be resolved in the rest of the sweeping trilogy that was never made. I think she literally ends