
"But if you're bored, then you're boring"
- Harvey Danger, esteemed philosopher

The Canadian Green party restructured itself among these lines some years ago. Their platform, broadly speaking, is environmentalism through a combination of government initiatives and free-market solutions, so they're always talking about job creation and economic benefits. It seems odd on paper, but they've grown

The batarang wound always cracked me up. One thing that I genuinely did like about early Spawn was the way that the tie-in miniseries would at least leave some cosmetic effects. In general, the continuity made enough sense at first. Having stopped reading around the early #30s or so, I didn't know that it all got

They should totally do it as a period piece.

Almost all of the things that I remember from the Spawn comics involved hilariously preposterous ways for Spawn to fight and kill people. That's the kind of thing a Spawn movie should lean into.

I liked the issue Moore wrote that detailed a serial killer that Spawn had killed and his travels through hell. It was an interesting bit of invention.

I'm not really into superhero comics either, which tends to leave me as only an occasional reader of comics in general. Pretty much everything that I hear about of any interest these days turns out to be an Image or smaller title. I read Marvel comics when I was a kid, but eventually lost much of my
interest and

We don't know that people haven't tried, really, just that they haven't succeeded and taken the act on the road. People could have intentionally botched an arbitrary number of decapitations trying to reproduce this infernal situation.

It's like a Propagandhi song waiting to happen, if it hasn't already. It might even be too on the nose.

I'd count The Maxx, too, which seems more like a Vertigo or Dark Horse comic than an Image comic of the period. Of course, it'd fit in perfectly now.

Exactly! It makes logical sense even to someone learning about it for the first time. The subtitle naturally tells you that you're looking at a distinct entity.

I think it'd be cool if the standard became renaming the comic slightly whenever one of those significant creative switchovers occurs. Like, you could have issues #1 through whatever called "X-Men: Genosha" or whatever and then retitle it when the creative team moves on.

It is hilarious to think back to the Image of my childhood and compare it to Image now. There's nary a Youngblood Strikefile to be found. I recall a comment here some months back about how Savage Dragon is pretty much the last living tie to the old Image.

I've been on Facebook sabbatical for close to a year now (mostly use it for events and messages). Highly recommended. Social media is not worth the stress.

Vanilla can be quite a rich flavour if you set it off right. A bit of spice is all you need.

Probably. It's kind of amazing how much we, as humans, are capable of filtering out of our lives. I wouldn't be surprised if some people end up voting based on nothing more than someone they know having said one thing that stuck with them. It's the age of information and people are going thirsty in the middle of a

I'm not as hard on undecided voters as most people seem to be. I've known people who don't pay attention to politics (honestly, paying attention to politics is no fun) but still feel like they have a duty to go out and vote. It's a dangerous combination, but it's understandable; for a lot of people, there just isn't

Exactly. It's nothing new, just the same old disappointment at popular entertainment being frequently terrible. Fallon and his producers should never have agreed to these political interviews. They suck, he sucks at doing them, and the whole thing is far away from the program's main strength of inoffensive,

"We've petitioned the governor, but he doesn't want to appear soft on people who've been falsely imprisoned."

It may well be that Trump softening on some issues would increase the number of his voters who will drift back to apathy and not bother voting. At this point, it almost seems like a battle between two groups of new voters (for and against) inspired by Trump. Does he provoke more fawning adoration than revulsion?