
It's not a matter of expecting Fallon to practice hardball journalism. It's a matter of decrying Fallon for serving as a living soapbox. If he's not going to talk about politics, fine, but he shouldn't be interviewing politicians. They aren't going to talk about anything else of interest; they only show up to

I get what you mean, but I don't see Trump's base abandoning him at this point. It's become a cult of personality, and I think they'll accept a staggering amount of inconsistency from him.

I didn't know that about MTV and the breaking bands thing. Casting my memories back, that makes a lot of sense (though obviously the bands being pushed on Muchmusic were slightly different). I actually hadn't thought much about the industry pushing tastes, as I was too young to buy my own albums at the time (by the

Yeah. My point about meat was more related to Subway (as I'm guessing that they're not the healthiest cuts available). Someone eating well-prepared fish with vegetables is not going to have any cholesterol problems with that meal.

They work for what they do, yes. It depends on what kind of diet you actually need. Forgoing the meat helps a fair bit with dropping cholesterol if that's one's big issue, which may well have been the case with Jared.

No pizza is ever better than a homemade pizza. You can make a pizza to your exact specs and you get to smell it through the whole baking process.

You can make some pretty good little flatbread pizzas with naan bread and cherry tomatoes. They're relatively easy and quick if you already have the stuff.

One doesn't always have great choices. My work often involves going to fast food places, particularly McDonald's, and I've come to view their side salads and weirdo deep menu items (like yogurt parfait) as godsends. The oatmeal's a decent breakfast deal, too. They're obviously not the healthiest versions of what

I heard that his Subway diet consisted mostly of Veggie Delights. That's pretty much a salad with bread and cheese, so it's an OK option if you need to get something on the go.

Both groups do have something of a reputation for shitting in places outside of the bathroom.

I was born in the mid-80s. I don't know if I count as a very late Xer or an early millienial. I can say that I was too young to catch all but the tail-end of hair metal in real time and definitely too young to relate to its cars-and-women aesthetic.

Have you tried turning your cardboard box on and off again?

See, I also respond well to that facet of his writing. To me, it just makes automatic sense. I wish more writers would let their honest awkwardness and aversions regarding sex creep into their work when appropriate. It's better than playing politics to look smoother and less conflicted than one really is. As a

The guitar magazines have definitely not forgotten the era. I learned a few Extreme riffs as a beginning guitarist precisely because they're good for that sort of thing. Nuno Bettancourt was quite the virtuoso.

Depends on which competition, really. The Sony Cybershot series of phones had some really impressive cameras, but they weren't the supposedly all-singing, all-dancing marvels that contemporary iPhones were seen as. The camera wasn't the biggest selling point in those days, as I recall as someone who was selling

Good point. There's a demographic change behind all of it, I think.

Yeah. I think of my client, with his apparent complete lack of understanding of the concept of boundaries, and how disastrous that would be if he were more outwardly-inclined to sex. As it stands, he mostly doesn't interact with strangers much when we're out, but he has been known to occasionally try to look under

It could be a continuation of the Dildo Offensive against those guys in Oregon!

Well, autism and asexuality don't go hand-in-hand in reality as much as they do in the public imagination. There are lots of people on the spectrum who have sex and, in many cases, procreate; indeed, the prevalence of families with multiple members of different generations on the spectrum is one of the arguments for

I like Rabin's prudishness, actually, because it feels honest. He's not buffing that part of his personality out to fit the perceived cultural moment. It's not the practiced misogyny of the conservative stereotype or the concern-trolling of the religious stereotype. It's the depressed, sardonic recognition of sex