
Unless and until that's revealed, we're free to imagine what we want. I'm trying to picture Gibson delivering a full standing dropkick.


Black metal is very good at what it does. I can tell because I've bounced right off the face of that genre every time I've given it a listen. I can tell that there's stuff going on and that it's not something I'm going to appreciate. It's true success.

I'd still listen to at least half of it. The first five songs or so are pretty great.

I was just thinking the other day that the technological singularity wasn't as ubiquitous online as it used to be. I haven't heard anybody going on about it for quite a while now. This suits me, as I always found it irritating.

I think Gibson knows how to do roundhouses, so I'm going to imagine that because it's more absurd. You need actual space for one of those.

Indeed, it doesn't and wasn't intended to alter anything you were saying. I was just trying to advance the point that both parties have contained all sorts of views throughout their histories. In a particular time, they represent something, but they're pretty much just names in the aggregate. Neither party now has

Statisticians refuse to make baseless guesses about how much of the population they make up.

Is that Roosevelt spelling?

As a vegetarian, it's pretty irritating. I have never once bothered somebody about their meal. People show surprise when I tell them that I'm a vegetarian (virtually always in the context of getting a meal together). I've never personally known a vegetarian or a vegan who acted like the self-righteous scolds

Free-market capitalism, as this point in history, is an exercise in trusting theory over practice. It seems that the natural state of a market is not actually freedom. Someone always steps in to force it to work a certain way. I see it as a choice between taking care of that at the start (through regulation) or

As a very small-time musician, my take on it is that this is the age where DIY went from a specific choice to a near-necessity. Anyone who's looking to just get out there and let the company machinery handle the back-end is mistaken. Life as a musician means either doing more and more things yourself or wasting

Up until around the Southern Strategy, the Democratic and Republican parties each had conservative and progressive wings. Party affiliation had more to do with demographic and tradition than ideology for a period (which is why the Southern Strategy was employed in the first place; hardcore right-wingers were voting

Yeah, they have rankings, but the questions themselves aren't written to be of equal importance. Imagine someone ranking answers to "do you like cats" and "do you think that sex can be obligatory" as both being Very Important. Both things may well be very important considerations, but there are worlds within that

If there's a way to do it, then I haven't found it. It is indeed a shame. It's the only dating site I use, partially because its free nature lets me quietly drop out of usage when I don't feel like it and check in when I do, and the questions are theoretically the best part.

You try buying a new stylus in Alpha Centauri.

I have this notion that the biggest single improvement OKCupid could make would be to add a "dealbreaker" button to the questions. As it stands, the questions are all weighted the same (I think), but they're not written as though they carry the same weight. The questions you have there are not in the same category

Oof. Yeah, that'll probably take some recovery time. Good time to pick up a new hobby.

I have a bit of this going on. My last attempt at dating foundered for a number of reasons, but part of it was an ingrained desire to support and save that was very obvious and that I couldn't entirely fight off. I just wanted good things for her, but you can't have a close relationship when that's constantly in the

Well, take off every ZIG. You know what you doing. Dusty references aside, good luck with it.