
I've long found this a fascinating phenomenon. With practically any significant technological influence on creative work, you'll see a pattern of early experimentation, casual familiarity, and then mastery right at the end of its dominance. Video games are a great place to see this happen because they shift

I would love it if this were an intentional joke, but it totally isn't. I mixed up Barry Bonds and Barry Sanders. They have nothing in common other than being athletes named Barry. I think it's actually funnier that this was a genuine mistake.

It's a cheeky choice of instrumental setup, but a smart one. There isn't anything Neutral Milk Hotel did that those three instruments can't handle.

I'm not certain if there's anybody else from London ON on here, so I'd essentially have to wait to see if the cool kids in Toronto feel like having one and inviting me. Then I'd have to find time and money to make a trip that's three hours each way. Whyyyyyy is Canada so spread out

Barry Bonds is my best friend's favourite player. He was well-known for being good at slipping through defenses. A TD is a touchdown. We're coming dangerously close to the limits of my knowledge of the game already.

Ah, that. I rarely understand why people care so much about how musicians look. You can't hear hair in someone's voice.

Ponsonby responded much how I was going to respond here, which is that your original terms weren't really clear enough to actually be arguable. Now that things are a bit clearer and I've had a chance to see how the rest of this went, I think I can get closer to what you wanted to discuss.

I think his analogies got away from him on that one faster than Barry Bonds enroute to a TD. (I don't really know football.)

While I'd echo the other comments about keeping safe in this situation, I have to say that your excitement about this is practically leaping off the screen. I really hope it works out. This friend treated you really badly, but people can always change, right? If nothing else, you've already done the important part

Definitely the latter. Maybe you'll even find some overlap with Reposted A7X's territory!

I had two acquaintances/Facebook friends in a relationship who started going publicly anti-feminist, though I wouldn't peg them specifically as espousing MRA ideology (it was more part of a general turn towards internet-style right wing stuff). I engaged in a bit of discussion with one of them on a couple of

The best thing about the Golden Compass movie is that it ends with the main character essentially pitching a sequel as hard as she can. She brings up all of the plot points that are obviously intended for the next two installments. I think she literally says "so many questions" at that point (it's been a few years).

YES. Yes, you do. Confront your destiny!

In the first Donnie Yen Ip Man movie, there's a bit where he's reluctantly duelling another guy in his house and they have to be really careful about not breaking his wife's nice vases and such. Like the rest of that movie, it's awesome.

I don't really understand why. They're very good at what they do. Did they do something generally offensive?

The bit about terms is what this thread is arguing, isn't it? It's not as simple as being pro- or anti-Proposition Whatever. You could try to make it more specific and say that people are for or against abortion access rights, but one issue with that is that the particular progress of this issue in American society

Every living thing that isn't an amoeba or something similar is a clump of cells.

It's also not usually the case, though, that a polity makes a decision through the direct democracy of a referendum. Most legislative decisions are made by representatives, and said representatives are usually voting on legislation that has been prepared by a still-smaller group. Restricting official debate on a

Just today, a bandmate (who is from Ireland) mentioned that he had just started listening to Dave Matthews Band and was really enjoying it. I was briefly really surprised that they apparently never made it over there at the time. Anyway, the notable thing was that he had no concept of DMB as an object of derision

I don't think that implication is necessarily there. It didn't seem that way to me. Jay-Z could be a good choice for the point, considerations of quality aside, because he started to get astoundingly massive a little while after that cutoff year. As that's something you can know without having heard any of his