
I'm guessing it isn't as easy to make swimming look good on TV. People who aren't professional swimmers tend to splash around a fair bit; as well, the contestants' bodies would be harder to see for being partially submerged.

I'm pretty sure that the subtext is in carnivores subsisting on fish and fowl. I couldn't see any sentient birds in the movie and fish didn't really come up. I figure it's good enough in a No-Prize sort of way to support suspension of disbelief.

When I saw this movie, I tried to figure out how the food situation would work. Onscreen, they don't really show any meat-eating that I can remember, but I think they intentionally left themselves a subtextual explanation of how it could work. I didn't catch any non-mammalian sentient beings in the movie, which

When I was a kid, Zellers served my favourite hot dogs. I could never figure out how they got them to taste so good, but they were perfect.

I grew up admiring the Quakers for that. It's a sect that eschews showiness for principle and personal gnosis. That's a church with a good sense of what's important, in my view. Also in my view: a principled pacifist is made of way tougher stuff than a bully or a violent coward. It took real grit to look a

… Starwipe had a comic? Jesus, that site's UI had issues.

I wouldn't doubt it, but as I just mentioned in another comment a few minutes ago, I'm in a city that's going through its third mayoral corruption scandal in a row. Misappropriation of funds is a problem to overcome, not a justification for neglect (and to be clear, I know that you didn't say that and that it isn't

In my town, we're currently on our third mayoral corruption scandal in a row (though the recent one is pretty mild). I haven't heard anybody suggesting that we shouldn't get any support because our leaders will just steal it all.

Even people who have lived here their entire lives often know very little about the indigenous populations here and the real history of how they've been treated. I definitely wouldn't expect someone from any other country to know anything about it before going in.

Yeah, Trudeau has a lot of promises to fulfill. We'll see how he does with this one. In a moral sense, it might be the most crucial.

He did say that he wants to star in it, but who knows what'll happen by then (if anything)?

It's been true on occasion. It's also transparent concern trolling when people bring it up as an obvious (and nonsensical) attempt to justify taking no action to rectify any problems.

You'd imagine accurately. It's our biggest national wound and the one that we've never come to terms with. It's astounding to me how pervasive the memes attempting to justify the obviously subaltern status of the First Nations and Inuit et al. can be when you get people talking. You can hear the defensive tone

Our military is one of those small-but-well-trained sorts of deals. I have a few friends serving. Their descriptions of their comically hellish basic training might have something to do with the overall toughness.

Canada is a place that puts a nice face on all sorts of strange things. Like, we have a low murder rate, but it disproportionately affects First Nations women to an almost surreal degree. A whole lot of them are unsolved roadside murders. Canada is certainly no stranger to serial killers, but I don't know if it's

Honestly, who knows. Maybe people these days don't take the story of Passover too literally.

I didn't think Aslan was saying that Nat Turner shouldn't have done it, just that it'd be easier to talk about it these days without running into people vilifying him for the violence of the rebellion. Personally, I don't think it'd make a big difference (racists could find a way to vilify someone who never did even

Tarantino has talked about how he wants to direct and start in a movie about John Brown as his final film. Not sure if that's still one of his plans. I do have to hand it to him that he'd probably put together one hell of a sequence for the raid on Harper's Ferry.

I get that. I have to say, though, that's getting off pretty lightly in terms of embarrassing '90s looks.

I remember a big thread on a local musician's Facebook group about people dressing up in specific outfits for shows. I was surprised to learn how many people looked upon it as a huge positive and thought of bands that didn't dress up more negatively for that fact. It's the kind of thing that I don't really care