
That's why I like him. It's also kind of why I don't get why he seems to care so much about explaining his grading system. Maybe it's just because he gets questioned on it so frequently. I just don't care at all about grades on stuff like that, so it sort of sticks out when I read critics I like going into great

That sounds ridiculous. How did that even work?

Some people just can't handle retirement?

I got more of an Oscar Wilde feel from it. It kind of reminds me of some of the stuff in "The Soul of Man Under Socialism" about the attitudes necessary to create art.

Myers-Briggs typology is not, um, particularly scientific, but it has me thinking about the extent to which criticism attracts people who usually end up with Js on those tests. I think of Mike D'Angelo, who I really like, but who puts more thought into how he rates and ranks movies than even seems plausible to me. I

Yeah, I don't see why someone would be ashamed of liking jazz. There's lots of great jazz. It's that whole cosplay aspect that makes it a bit too ridiculous. When I see a local jazz combo, it's an even bet that the singer will have elected to dress up vaguely like a flapper for some reason. It seems part and

It's mind-boggling to me how popular the Let's Play culture is, especially when they mostly all seem to be playing the same video games. The kids in the family of the teen with whom I work are completely immersed in said culture, so I've seen bits and pieces of about forty-five billion of them at this point and I

I spend a fair bit of time with a few white guys in their 60s and 70s. They're OK. They're figuring stuff out as best they can, just like anyone else. Some of them have their prejudices, sure. Typical, though? "Typical" is something you call someone when you're not really paying attention. People are

Drug deals, I gather. Also something about some people like to use it for legitimate communication, but I still don't entirely believe that. It's gotta be drugs.

I don't, but I suppose I'll be remembering these words when my nephew's grown up a bit and I can compare him from infancy onward. I know that lots of people say that they knew their kid wasn't straight from way before it would ever have come up and I don't doubt them.

I wonder. There is something to consider in that I was the only boy out of 4 to get hit by my father (as far as I know), but that was waaaay before I would be likely to have any discernible sexuality. Really, I suspect that it's just too early to really talk about correlation, as I don't think we can be said to

Oh yeah, something like me not watching his movies has no fucking effect on him whatsoever. I'm not under that illusion. He never had my dollar in the first place, so it's not like I'm withdrawing it, exactly. The library and piracy and such let you watch a movie without it affecting things either way.

Sometimes I wonder if Allen's casting people get a lot of quiet refusals when he starts a new project. I'd be curious to know if that happens much and if Allen actually hears about it or just gets a censored version from his people. Maybe he just sits around, wondering how so many people can have "scheduling

It's a bit more specific for some people than "bad things", though. Someone cheated on their spouse? Usually bad behaviour, but that's not the kind of thing that would make me revile someone all on its own. Sexually assaulted a child and denied her memories to everyone? If he did that (and I think he did, with the

Now I really want to see a classic TNG episode restaged with Matt Berry playing Picard. The rest of the IT Crowd cast would map on pretty well, too; I suggest Parkinson as Crusher, O'Dowd as O'Brien, Ayoade as LaForge, and Fielding as Riker.

The first one had some canonical witches, though they didn't talk about them much. Ghosts seem like they have to be a given. I really, really want to know what kind of movie they'd make about fairies.

They really had a great team there. I tend to think of "Measure of a Man", where they have to decide if Data has the rights to his own brain, as the birth of the TNG I loved, and it all comes down to suddenly realizing what can be achieved when you have Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, and Jonathan Frakes in your cast.

I liked that one quite a bit. Handlen's review praises that moment and says that Spiner somehow managed to act out the ones and zeroes in Data's processor making the decision of whether or not to execute that guy. It was a genuinely interesting dramatic situation, because it was suddenly very obvious that it's not

Yeah, I realized after a while that many of the regulars on the AVC probably have the sorts of jobs where they can get away with commenting throughout the day. I don't, so I can barely keep up with one site. Then again, hearing about some of the Avocado-related shenanigans that get mentioned over here reminds me of

Speaking of mental health and opportunistic segues: I remember from this open thread last week that you were going to try to compile a list of mental health crisis links. I don't really go to AVCAD much, so I don't know if this was already done there (part of why I don't go there much is that so much seems to happen