
I had a lot of your concerns around your age about having missed out on stuff that were supposedly important milestones regarding dating and sex and wondering how the hell to ever make new friends. You've not alone in your anxieties. Go somewhere busy and look around you and you'll be guaranteed to see some people

I always feel like I'm somehow letting the side down by falling into several of those categories. There's this feeling at the back of my mind at all times that someone's just itching to use me as proof. Sorry to be a living stereotype, everybody.

It might be easier if you gave yourself a bit of room to be a weirdo. The way I see it, the issue isn't about seeming "odd" or anything less than 100% cool and collected. It's about the actual content of what you're saying and how that's received. Bear in mind that the person on the other end has a lot in common

It's slightly different from the others, but there's also the option of joining their partner program and getting a bigger cut. They're secretive about it, so I'm not sure how much better, but it seems like it's a viable choice for the more popular independent acts out there.

I'm kind of curious myself. Is this all basically just a lot of sound and fury surrounding a simple power play for a greater share of the revenue?

Nope, London ON.

I read an article years ago making the persuasive argument that disco only died in the US. In Europe, people kept making the music and trying different things, which is why most of the different subgenres of dance music from the '70s to the '00s "started" in Europe. Really, it was just people continuing to create

I think you've got the tenor of it right down. It's always personalized, always about respectability. It's basically this idea that a member of a group of people has to "prove" to you that their group is fine, that they're going to play ball. There's also that class issue, where one has to believe that one's

That's not what they said, though. Millenial Historian said that the "end" of the Troubles was due to Celtic Tiger. They explicitly separated that from their arguments about the EU and used it as a similar situation, where an economic upswing reduced violence drastically. Note the beginning of that final paragraph:

People are really hypocritical about immigration here, eh? A couple of summers ago, I played a gig at a house party with my Irish band, the singer of said band being an immigrant from Cork. Great gig, but as we were just finishing up our packing and about to go, these guys were having a conversation with us about

Repeat viewings of Inside Out actually work really, really well if you're looking to catch details. It's a very intricate movie and I enjoyed getting another chance to see what the new core memories looks like at the end.

There isn't a man or woman alive who won't get a little hot under the collar when their lover turns to them with a sultry look and breathes "your sacrifice completes my sanctuary of 1000 testicles".

Sometimes I wonder if information like that could be compiled into some sort of weekly Dignity Report for the benefit of those among us who are losing hope.

You could make an argument that people turn those things into ersatz religions when they rally around them. I remember a Religious Studies course from way back that was built around the idea that the key components of a religion are a vision of how existence works, a goal within that vision, and a way to reach that

Is this Yngwie? It's been ages since I heard that recording.

That's why I mentioned that there'd have to be an approval process. The current model obviously isn't working, but imagine if people wanting to use your songs in their video came to you and you could grant or deny permission as was appropriate. It'd be a faster and easier way to open up new minor revenue streams.

That is indeed messy as hell. It's too bad; with a bit of cleaning up and a different attitude, this could be a way to solve the streaming puzzle. Getting automatic revenue from people making videos with your songs would be free money, basically, like a commercial deal you didn't have to sign. Of course, that

Yep, it's all over. O'Neal confirmed it. After a break, he intends to come back to the AVC.

I had wondered about why there wasn't any sort of note about it on the site, so I checked a few Twitters. Teti and the AVC both mentioned it on theirs.

It's so perfect! It's practically the Platonic ideal of a ridiculous conversation. I don't know if I've ever heard anything sillier.