
Check out Corb Lund and Alison Brown (the one from SW Ontario), then. The former has a wicked sense of humour and a wide-open approach to songwriting, while the latter has an astounding voice and a stripped-to-the-bone style (disclaimer: I know her socially, but I'd still be recommending her if I didn't).

It may not work for you, but there's something to be said for basically telling him all of this. You'd have to judge based on his personality and where he is in this. Saying "I love you, but you fucked up horribly and I hate what you did" might exacerbate things, but it also might be what he needs to hear after a

I keep saying that it's pretty simple. Just date age-appropriately and you can be dirty 'til the grave. Just think of how hard you can party after you retire! So long as you're not bothering young people, there's no harm, right? Nothing wrong with elderly sex.

Speaking as a bisexual man, I find that men are often more handsome as they age. Something about the years tends to chisel their faces and give them lots of visual character. I think it's part of why there are way more portraits painted of older men than of the younger sort.

"Hey, young lady, want to add me to Snapchat? Heh heh heh - no, it's this app we used to have when I was younger, I thought that you youngsters were still sexting on it - no, sexting was what we did before you were all given neural implants in utero…"

My little brother always had tons of cockamamie plans for the two of us. We never got to do most of them. I've got one in particular that I'm hell-bent on finishing; as for his plan to go to Burning Man, that's a bit iffier (as I don't use any drugs), but I may well just do it anyway if the chance presents itself.

I've been hearing that residents of nursing homes are having more sex than ever before. Getting on in years doesn't necessarily have to stop getting it on in bed these days, and all of the deaths and divorces mean lots and lots of singles one's own age. I see no reason not to spend old age sucking whatever life is

My condolences. I wouldn't say that it's ghoulish at all; when it comes to older relatives, it's pretty natural to start planning after a point. When my grandmother died, she was 99, so we knew that it was on its way soon. I loved her, but it wasn't too hard to deal with because she'd lived such a long life and

And that is why this is the best news ever!

I can't believe that they didn't catch it in the first round of fact-checking!

I enjoyed the article, but Hyden keeps making a couple of core assumptions that I find a bit baffling. Whatever "we" he keeps talking about definitely doesn't include me, as I was never much for pitting one band against another and definitely dislike the practice now. I don't really get the urge to make album

It's been a loooong time since I've read it, but A Wrinkle In Time does have elements that make it stand out a bit (though it is definitely YA and has often been credited with helping to establish that genre). Specifically, I recall it having a fairly subjective tone. Descriptions and the like are heavily

If it's like the last part of this series, then this may be the last one. That one also ran for three comics in a row by the same artist. I'd guess that they're promoting it because it's actual exclusive content for which they had to pay real money and thus want to get people looking at it.

You know Scott McCloud's thing about abstraction in art? I think it has to do with that. It's less like two specific humans with specific physical characteristics talking and more like two abstract ideas of characters (that the reader will hopefully find endearing).

I like this series about as much as the ones before it, which is to say honestly but tepidly. The conversations are hit and miss, but it's decently fun to read on the whole.

Ridiculous! Ridiculous, I say! What kind of monster hates hot pants?

While all of that is true, I genuinely greatly enjoyed all of the new sequences. I can put up with short interstitials that may or may not work in order to get to the actual shorts.

I also think that the bathroom legislation might be a similar sort of thing to no-tolerance drug laws in terms of their purpose. It can be selectively enforced and used as an excuse to haul someone in for other reasons. All a cop has to do is catch a trans person using the right bathroom for their identity in order

I went to my last (which is to say first) high school semi-formal in a dress. A friend of mine sewed it for me and it was awesome, like this gothy floor-length black gown-ish deal. I swished around all night in that thing. Absolutely nobody was bothered, which may have to do with the fact that it wasn't the first

Mind if I share something? I genuinely get where you're coming from when you talk about this stuff, Ricky, though my hang-ups are different. For me, it's like anything nice that anybody says about me just gets tossed out instantly, sort of like email going to the spam folder. I figure "oh, it's nice of them to lie