
OR there's a fantastic series by CLAMP lurking in there. It can be about the interdimensional tailors who supply the wardrobes for all of their characters! (The head tailor loses an arm and becomes a vampire.)

I think that more of that stuff is aimed at people who are children now than you might think. Back around the end of last year, there were ads for that Jem and the Holograms movie that sank like a stone. I only met one person who ever mentioned the damn thing, and it was the 9-year-old boy in the family that I work

I searched his Twitter (which is annoying as hell, Twitter, come on) and eventually found his Twitter essay about it, but couldn't find the link. Would you mind linking the article, please?

I forgot about Customs because that doesn't usually involve charges, but yes, the border is strangely restrictive. It's not really a matter of taboo, though, as they block stuff that would otherwise be legal and not particularly unusual within the country (like professionally-made porn and the like). It's more a

Flight of the Conchords, some UK sitcoms, House, The O.C., Eminem, The Strokes, Judd Apatow's early comedies, The Daily Show's renaissance, Firefly, um, LOLcats? Yeah, it comes off thin on the ground for me too. I'm sure that younger people will have a much deeper list.

Rokudenashiko's work has me thinking about what sorts of taboos we have in our various nations on here. I can't think of the last time somebody was brought up on an obscenity charge in Canada. In high school law, they used a case regarding an adult video store as an example, but that case was from decades ago. Our

Why are you mad at Kieron Gillen? Did he do something that I haven't heard about?

I really enjoyed it. I'm not surprised at this news, but I am somewhat put out. The show kept me laughing and gave me a useful quote in case I need to explain how rehearsing music works.

Don't forget his fucking human eyeball necklace that he owned for some reason. That sounds like an exaggeration, but it isn't.

I'm not trying to add fuel to flames here, but as an outsider to this conversation, I thought you sounded hostile too. Tone is a tricky thing on the internet, so I'm certainly not assuming that was your intent. This is just a note from a third party that the hostility tag seemed accurate to me, too.

It's only slightly beaten-out by the ubiquitous "What you didn't know about starches" or "Don't lie, you're going to watch Jimmy Fallon juggle stoats" or whatever the fuck they're talking about style of headline. Jesus, those are actively antithetical to their intended aim. I'm more likely not to click on something


That's just it. She's a great choice to be the standard bearer for loving yourself and being independent.

That'd be my objection too, but Merida actually works better for that. She definitely gives the impression of someone who isn't doing a goddamn thing regarding romance until such time (if ever) as she pleases.

On the one hand, the scenario clearly gains power from the history of these stories. On the other hand, it also gains the weight of expectation. I think this idea would work better in a sort of abstracted reference sort of sense (like Watchmen, in a way) rather than literally having them be Peter and Alice.

I read a news story where some dolphins appeared to be chewing gently on a poisonous puffer fish in order to get high.

I found that it had a shorter shelf life for me, but that era did produce a few songs that I still listen to. "Scream", "Saturday Night", "Devil Doll", and "The Haunting" are still a lot of fun.

I never realized until right now that "Idioteque" is eminently mangleable into a punk song.

Hard fucking choices there. "Skulls", "Hybrid Moments", "Some Kind of Hate", and "Ghouls Night Out" are all up there for me.

Sea turtle for me, I think. I could swim away from the whole stupid situation and, with luck, spend my extremely long life in adventure while human society crumbled and burned.