
I'm starting to wonder if the Empire/its remnants has, like, one architect. Death Star gets blown up because a single exhaust port somehow goes directly into the core, thereby allowing one torpedo to destroy a space station the size of a moon? Build another one! That one gets blown up too? Build one that's

I just don't get why artists and labels sometimes keep promotional videos off of Youtube. They're promotional! TV doesn't play them anymore! Having a bunch of classic videos already made is basically money in the bank as far as publicity goes; just put 'em up, collect the pittance that streaming pays, and watch the

Everything about the Starkiller makes less and less sense the more one thinks about it. It's a planetary base that uses its system's sun as fuel and at such a rate that it appears to be draining it entirely over the course of the battle. What if they had succeeded? Presumably, they would have had to relocate the

It's not a pun. I'm not even sure how that would be a pun. We were talking about people who died in car accidents.

Condolences, man. That's a hard pill to swallow.

Good call. Turns out that he's pretty much the poster child for this.

Not necessarily that difficult, actually. If what I read about the initial run on Dr. Strange is true, then it was always clear that the Ancient One is wiser and more powerful than the Doctor. Strange becomes a disciple and a peer among others. Being recruited into a multiracial school of magic headed up by a

When I've seen that phenomenon seriously discussed, it has generally been by people who have a reason to be both connected to and wary about a certain social justice movement. Black bloggers talking about white feminists often touch on the subject, as they've seen plenty of white people claim to be allies as they

Yeah, that has become a serious problem. It seems like I hear about some guy who apparently has a big activist profile being accused of using it to commit sexual assault or rape at least every year or so, and I'm not even specifically looking for the news. That's not to mention the people who apparently stab their

Where are your legs with which ye run, hurroo, hurroo

That's actually a pretty understandable impulse. If one's planning to record a cover, one should plan on coming up with a transformative arrangement. Recording is kind of a higher standard.

I wonder if this is another "everyone learned the wrong thing from Watchmen" situation. It's like everyone just swiped the idea of the world being afraid of Dr. Manhattan and forgot about the idea that he had been responsible for most of the technological innovations of the last few decades. How do the worlds of DC

It's going to be weird for people in about 10 years to look back on everything that was written in 2016 and realize just how fucking much everybody wrote about that fucking guy.

It's been noted in the past that Superman started out as neither exclusively a crimefighter nor as a supervillain-smasher, but as a sort of one-person attack on the evils of society. Like, in his first appearance, he saves someone from an unjust execution and takes out a corrupt lobbyist, as well as saving one woman

Just ask Taylor Dayne.

That's one of the most depressing deaths of which I'd heard. Jesus.

That video probably marks the first time that I have ever been impressed by Larry Zybysco.

Oh man, I didn't hear about Balls. Fucking hell.

That's exactly why underscorex is almost certainly right about what they'll do. What do you do when you fucked up really badly and you have no moral compass whatsoever? Make up a false narrative, stick it on the records, and let everyone with any inkling of the truth slowly drift out of the picture.

Thank DDP. Did you ever read the article about DDP's yoga/wrestler rehab centre? At time of writing, Jake Roberts and Scott Hall had straight-up moved into his place to get 24/7 support. It was apparently working like gangbusters.