
This is hilarious. I'm grabbing this as soon as I can scrape up the cash. I heard about the arrest a while ago; I gather that it's become quite the cultural flashpoint.

My city went from snow to 25 Celsius in one day this year. (The snow kept up 'til mid-April for some reason.)

There was a Randy Savage gimmick poster for a while who would come into this section and answer the questions in the column with excerpts from Savage promos. It was awesome.

Evolution really shouldn't have the connotations it does about "improvement". There are theories that humans exist partially because we're of a group of primates that lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C at some point. Evolution is a tangle of squiggly lines on a chart of progress.

Better than the stake or the noose. I was reading this week about the Tulsa Race Riot. It happened as part of a trend of lynchings in the area. Basically, a sensationalist local newspaper trumped up a story out of virtually nothing (a black man was taken in by the police on suspicion of assault) and ran a story

The thing is, though, that the death warrant was signed for physical media's supremacy when it became easier to get music to people online than through any possible physical medium. Profits for CDs will never again be what they were. The real issue is streaming competing with downloads. Other than that, yes, it's a

Early Family Guy animation was terrible. I was always kind of surprised that I didn't hear more people complaining about it as well as its content. It's not like it's wonderful now, but it was truly wretched for a while.

Neither, exactly. For me, it's all about music that fits the mood, the closer the better. There's a hard-to-describe power in finding something with exactly the right resonance for how you feel. It's cathartic, like I've hit a climax in my current narrative arc. Also, when the song is lyrical, the power is

Old Randy Savage promos are my favourites for a quick boost. Cuppa coffee in the big time, Mean Gene.

That said, I hold out hope for someone to come up with a way to have a fair and reasonable payment structure for streaming music. Imagine the boon for indies if they could pull in some revenue just by marketing their streaming content!

As pointed out by another poster, Corgan had some transphobic things to say himself when he got in a public argument with a pedal-maker.

No argument here. I can't think of any close friends of mine that would do something like that, really, and I'd be pretty taken aback if they did. Sure, they'd argue and debate and make their voice heard, but there's a substantative difference between doing that (even in extreme ways) and harassing people. I don't

I genuinely don't think that such a consensus is possible. People actually disagree on things, often to a wide extent. I think that the internet hasn't polarized things so much as it has revealed them to be polarized in the first place.

Counterpoint: there isn't always much rationality in offline communication, either. If you don't believe me, I'll try to dig up that guy who buttonholed me at a party to talk about how smokers have a lesser cost to the health care system* than non-smokers while making rebuttals to things I didn't say (as I barely

[this might double-post; it got auto-modded, so I changed a word and posted again]

I actually think that this is part of the underlying issue here. I think that people sometimes get the conviction that something they're doing is wrong, but can't let go of doing it entirely. I remember a thread back at the Dissolve about a Steven Seagal movie, of all things, that turned into a full-on hatedown on

Well, you can always count on things changing soon, because they always do. The question is what the change will actually be.

Oh, for sure. I suppose my point is simply that this is a potentially-viable solution to the situation that just hasn't gotten there yet. I'll take something that might work over something that's definitely dying.

You know, radio (theoretically) pays per spin, which can be broadcast to an arbitrary number of people (the larger the population centre, the larger the potential audience). Streaming pays per stream, which is generally limited to a much smaller group (probably individuals in most cases). If the streaming cut

There was one a few years ago. I'd lay money that it's the same person who runs Reposted A7X Comments, as a) that one appeared around the time that the YouTube poster disappeared and b) they seem to have a very similar sense of humour.