
It seems to be that soup would be about the last food that would go well with books, other than, say, flambé.

1) Straw lady is *almost* my hero. I could see myself doing something like this, but only if I could make sure that I got to do it to the owner of Jimmy John’s (I’m assuming that’s where this is), and not freak out the staff.

One of the best parts (and there have been many) about Daniel Craig’s current GiveNoFucks Bond tour was the exhange when the interviewer asked him what life lessons Bond could give and he was like “well, nothing. He’s actually a misogynist.”

Well, I don’t know, she’s just waitressing in a restaurant.

If “The platinum card is declined!” doesn’t become a Kitchenette meme like monogrammed thermoses, we have all failed.

This BCO.... this BCO has EVERYTHING (to make you believe in Justice!)....

That and “Let me educate you.” Both those phrases basically push the MURDER EVERYONE button in my lizard brain.

I can’t remember his whole spiel, because my brain was filled with the enraged screams of my primal warrior ancestors and I was battling to keep a pleasant expression on my face.

She wasn’t really denying the fact that the woman suffers from anxiety, more taking glee in the fact that she’s willingly choosing to subject the woman to an experience (jail time) that she knows is going to make the problem much, much worse. Which is, itself, much, much worse.

My guess on what really went down:

A new meme has emerged! I’ve been waiting for this day!

No because that would be my crazy Aunt who did the following:

“What’s homo milk? Is this milk from GAY COWS?!” he demands, utterly* seriously, even angrily.

I can’t wait to see it. I danced on a stage to back to black once at a club with my friends. A good memory among many scary memories of alcohol abuse. Today I’m 208 days sober from alcohol. :)

Lord of the Rings: Return of the White Gay Man

A lot of the marriage equality = bestiality comments I get seem to come from people who just have trouble empathizing with others. In their view, it’s just impossible that a person may be born gay because they have no personal, direct experience with anything outside heterosexuality. To them, non-hetero sexual

So, Buddy didn’t save bread.

Mmmmm, Gestapo soup.

I worked on a movie with Ellen and I got to see her soaking wet in her underwear, now that’ll make your heart speed up a lot.

I’m really happy for Ellen, that she’s comfortable being out and that she’s found someone who makes her so happy. And I’m a little jealous of Samantha. Ellen in a suit makes my heart speed up a bit. Stunning!