Hey, I'm here too!
Hey, I'm here too!
Hey, do you know BTS?
I’m over 30 and a freshly converted ARMY. I don’t know how it happened but I’m glad it did!
More than definitely! One of my aunts had a similar experience with nurses delaying her delivery on purpose so that the doctor could come (and get paid) for the procedure. The baby died from asphyxiation before the doctor arrived.
Similar thing happened to me after binge-watching season 3 of Orange is the New Black. In my dream, Ruby Rose came on to me, we started kissing but I stopped her to ask my partner in the next room if she would like a threesome with Ruby and me. She declined so I turned Ruby down because I wouldn’t cheat on my partner.…
Thank you for this special edition BCO and all the stories you brought to us! I’ll be following over to the Wonkette cause it’s not Monday until it’s Pinkham time!
Your loss Gawker...... nee-ner-nee-ner!
Thank you, thank you. Mind you, I still eat them. Just not that enthusiastically.
Sorry not in Houston, somewhere in the UK I’m afraid.
I hope you find your falafel place soon and enjoy a meal every now and then!
Honey, they get old pretty quickly. Especially when you end up smelling like them every.single.day.
I had to buy a cheap, second pair of glasses to wear there because I couldn’t stand my good pair being smelly.
When I was 12 years old I spent two weeks at summer camp. Nothing interesting, just 150 kids and a few adults to supervise us while we made our own fun singing songs and having basketball tournaments. The accommodation was unusual as we lived in actual tents (army leftover, can fit 12 beds), there were only 10 toilets…
Yeap! Let natural selection do its job!
Oh, that's interesting! The major difference for me between English and Greek is that the latter's letters are always read in the same way. What you see is what you read. On the other hand, English is terrible in that way. Eg, mEAt vs brEAd. The same combination of letters produce different sounds.
Also, can I point…
Ok, it's Greek.
I think you're right. Subvocalization is to blame for slow reading.
Funny thing, I figured out that I don't vocalize in my head (thus reading pretty fast) in my first language. I read slower in English because I still can't let go of subvocalization although I've been taught/speaking English since I was 8yo, live in…