
Y'know, I miss the days when people would kill another for at least valid reasons; money, wars, arguments...

I'm surprised Crecente's hair doesn't have its own FB page.

I'm down with bad sinusitis now. Pretty bad timing now that I got finals tomorrow(the hell I'm doing on Kotaku?).

Leeroy? Shouldn't this be a Warcraft comic?

War...war never changes.

In light of the various vitriolic comments I have perused though just now, lemme say something hopefully less controversial....

@skitzogreg: I'm not well versed in the Chinese job market either, but if I have to guess, getting a decent-paying unskilled labour job is hard in China. I heard the pay in Foxconn is higher than most pays by other companies, so competition to get in is quite fierce. If they quit, they have to go back to jobs that are

"One worker tells Reuters that the basic salary at Foshan is the equivalent of US$168.80 a month, a figure that is less than what Foxconn previously promised to pay."

Sugar water? That could mean anything. Tell you what, test them little buggers' depression by having them listen to Hamlet; the results are more straightforward.

Make it Nazi zombie and it's an instant sale for me.

I was wondering who in their right mind would make decorations out of a leaking sewer pipe, but then I read the article.

Video not available in country.

@HitBit: Oh, crap, my phone is ringing and I don't know whose number it is! I'm screwed!

The closest I get to recreating a game character in the image of my ugly mug is The Sims....and it failed to accurately portray my 50-inch waistline.

So her entire life, and by extension her blog, is just one big The Ring-style disaster? Maybe she oughta change her hairstyle.

"Vodka doesn't fall ill to the flu, but developers swollen ankles and cannot race."

I like Fernandes. He was one of Malaysia's most prominent success stories, making flight cheap and available for (almost) everyone. Turned AirAsia into a real deal, as opposed to the state's train wreck of a expired prawn paste that is MAS.

The Brotherhood of Steel is not satisfied. Requires pauldrons and helmet at least.

@dangermouse76: Ramirez! Go to Aisle 6 and take down those canned croutons!

I don't get it.