
It's all nice and good until some jerk pimped it out and had lowrider fights all over the 'hood.

You're cold, Blizzard.

I'm guessing the mystic is a Collector General in disguise...

Okay, I admit the last post was mostly me being emo at Twilight. I still haven't played it(and proud of it).

Does Bioware already stated which platform Generals 2 they are maing on specifically for PC. If Bioware made the game for consoles, then they’ll be too lazy to make a decent PC version, and end up porting the console version to PC, along with all the bugs and whatnot. RTS is not where Bioware’s specialities lie, so

Of course Skyrim has lots of memorable characters, like that one guy! Y'know, the one in Thieves Guild who speak British accent...can't remember him name, but yeah he's unforgettable.

Someone said ravens?

Or you can just paint yourself yellow and claim that you're a Simpson extra going out of work!

Why is the last pic a yellow Dreadnought of WH40K? Yet when I clicked it, the correct pic shows up...

Is this the effects of Hiroshima all over again?

4G COWs eh? These don't sound like a bunch of bull at all!

Shouldn't it be Gaddafi, not Gadhafi?

Looks like UTP campus.

Mahal is the Malay word for expensive..

"...a 2.8% chance of winning the nomination."

Damn, the design reminded me of that vagina cover..

I guess the shipment got delayed by the shadow in the warp....

I don't remember seeing any of those girls in any FF series. Can someone tell me who are they?

I hope my Pootie Tang gets through.

I am more concerned on why are all the characters coming out of Peach's skirt...