
is that TF2 for Transformers 2 or Team Fortress 2, cuz I got reference to both?

@geiko: I use pipe water and my left hand. Where does that put me?

@Back In Time: You habe to keep in mind that these kinda stuff comes from Japan, where weird stuff gets reinvented every six minutes or so...

@bililoquy: That being said, I'm kinda sore that Trejo and that RUF guy died without so much as shooting a single shell at them preds.

@Rasselas: Nope. He's just an example of "what happens if the chute didn't open", and he played it well.

@zenpoet: Can't help it. Buncha grenades can't even immediately finish off the last one, a stabbing knife isnt gonna do a huge impact.

Expect the unexpected. To this end, bring lots of guns.

@gerbintosh: Taranis. Celtic god of lightning. To get struck with one is downright ironic.

@AngriestGeek: I think you missed the point lavadera's making here.

@Jeriba: Arabic alphabets have no 'p', so they substituted it with the next closest alphabet - 'b'. Hence Pepsi becomes Bebsi, and in this case Utopia becomes Utobia.

@Vulcan Has No Moon: I don't see why not. You pay the Zakat from your income, royalties or otherwise.

Birth of Samus?

Borat approves!

Puts a new twist on the joke "the baby was born with an instruction manual"

@catsmasher: At least he shelved his hero time before any criminal organisation started noticing him rounding up their members and tried to take him out.

I, for one, welcome our new tophat reporter.

@cfive3: It does live up to its name!

@jeepingeek: No high? Did you used to allow you kid to smoke weed?

Finally! A new video meme to replace the Angry Hitler Rant video!