Cabbage Patch Mather

Yes well, reality is that there are a lot of people out there who are racists and bigots and they live in the same place as you do. You can either stomp your feet and demand that they stop being racist or you treat them with contempt and hostility. Hell will have frozen over before that actually works. Or you can try

How. Emmett Till was already dead at that point. She is responsible for the lie she told, not the death that happened before that.

I actually think it was a good thing. Because so many people, especially white people, build up racists as this inhuman “other” in their heads to the point that they themselves cannot be a racist because they’re not some utter monstrosity that few people could ever accomplish being.

I don’t know, I think the sort of grandmotherly description of her brings the point home a bit. She can be both a “kind” old lady and a murderer by proxy, which is a form of white privilege, because that kind of contrast could pretty much only exist in a white person from that time and place. I think acknowledging

Did you actually read what he said? She didn’t get that boy killed, that boy was dead regardless of what she did. She is not responsible for his death. She is responsible for helping the people that were responsible for his death get out of jail.

Fun and pain sometimes go together, isn’t so-to paraphrase a Canadian judge who has been investigated for incompetence and will soon be removed from the bench. As long as boys don’t try to apply the same idiotic principle to girls, they can slam into each other for as long as they want and as painfully as they can

Sometimes I wonder what alternative universe I grew up in. When I was a kid, I always thought girls were smarter than boys. The girls in my classes always made better grades, were more studious and participated more in class. There were probably twice as many girls in my gifted program then boys.

That’s right. I already knew I was smarter by then, watching them slam into each other like apes on the playground.

Anyone he picks will probably be just as backwards as Scalia was so I doubt it’ll really have that much of an impact.

You guys realize they’re playing #allLivesMatter with the goddamn Holocaust, right?

This little brother?

It’s Bannon. Bannon could never in a million years allow the Jews to be mentioned in that statement because he hates Jewish people. He is targeting the Muslims first and then he will go after the Jews next.

Yes, and this is how people defend Trump against accusations of fostering (or at least turning a blind eye to) anti-Semitism in his administration and supporters. It’s a fig leaf. Kushner is obviously not going to stand up for Jews, or anyone besides himself and his own interests.

It couldn’t be a coincidence that that mealy-mouthed statement came from the White House when there’s a notorious, bloated, shit filled anti-Semite who has tremendous influence over our dumb-ass President, right?

The reason they removed any mention of “Jews” is because Steve Bannon wrote it. He was obsessed with how many Jewish classmates his daughter had at her school and the number of Hannuka books in the library.

Actually citizens of the 5 countries with the largest populations of Muslims can still enter the country.

Forget Italy, Germany, etc... It doesn’t apply to any of the most populous Muslim majority countries, ie, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Egypt, etc. Why? Those countries have mostly functioning governments who cooperate with our Visa review system. The seven countries included were those countries the Obama

See you tomorrow.

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.