What’s wrong with welfare caps? Should there be a cap somewhere?
What’s wrong with welfare caps? Should there be a cap somewhere?
Here as well. Until the second grade, I thought that guys fucked up in school and played sports and girls were literary geniuses and scientists. Town I grew up in was very, very liberal- 1970's.
That made me laugh so hard that my computer screen is covered in Pino Noir.
The spouses (and fiancee) of Trump’s 4 adult children are Jewish.
Actually, the Grand Mufti was closely allied with the Nazi regime. I agree that he didn’t convince Hitler to exterminate Jews in Europe, but he sure as hell winked and nodded.
Why on Earth would Jared want to alienate the alt right Trump supporters he’s manipulating by bringing his ethnicity into the mix? He’s playing it safe and biding his time.
Well, 100 years ago, my great grandparents in Yemen, India and Russia were all facing either dire poverty, colonialism, or revolution. Blacks in the US South were compelled to use separate bathrooms. Homosexuality in many countries was punishable by death or imprisonment. Women couldn’t vote in the US.
Although I live on the Westside of LA, I don’t work in entertainment and I never watch the Academy Awards (or SAG)- for two reasons:
Yes, most people in the US are living pretty good lives. This would include Starbucks baristas, CEOs, mechanics, social workers, landscapers, farmers, strippers, etc.
Corey Booker- please run for President in 2020. Put Sherrod Brown or Tim Ryan on the ticket as number 2.
Yes, and isn’t that cool?
Based on how you have so wildly distorted my innocuous comment, I’m not surprised at being called a “racist.” But that’s the Internet.
Regardless of how Trump- in his demented, clownish way- tries to paints things, life in the US is pretty damned good for most people. Economically, technologically, socially, we’re living in the best times in human history.
As long as the markets are going up and we have close to full employment, there’s little they can do.
At the moment, they’re essentially walking on eggshells. No one believes Ryan wants to pull out of TPP and supports a 20% import tax on goods from Mexico. No one.
Not completely isolated- he’s addicted to “the shows,” and cannot stand bad press. Plus, he likely didn’t like being criticized by guys like Musk and Kalanick who he knows made it on their own.
Oh, I’m sure there’s a ton of it.
Oh, just about every Republican with strong ties to the business community hates protectionism. Think Kasich, Portman, Collins, Sasse, McCain. Many others are in the closet.