
“Weekend” is actually a real solid band that I’m overtly pissed at The Weeknd at for overcasting their sun rays.

This was true up until the advent of broadband. It is now an antiquated take that children will look upon curiously.

Lost me at that part where the dollar bill from the Long John Silver’s drive-through is the sanitary part of that transaction.

pretty sure the coins go on top of the bills & receipt to weigh them down and prevent a gust of wind from blowing them all over the parking lot.

Nothing like bringing up the death penalty for treason while being investigated for, uh, *sweats profusely; anxiously adjusts collar* definitely not treason.

As a middle aged, first generation, Desi guy; this was eye opening. My condolences to you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. I want to write more, but I will refrain. I am going to reread this again as I have nephews, nieces and sons and daughters of friends that feel this sense of alienation.

Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces

I’m 100% certain that’s what she’s gonna say, probably along with some stuff about Hillary. 

“I am a littttttttttttttle scared the right is going to double down on “he didn’t ACTUALLY SAY that he’s withholding military funds therefore he’s innocent.”

“I didn’t explicitly say I won’t give you aid unless you investigate Joe Biden’s son, so everything is okay”. I’m sure that’s what he’s thinking. I’m also sure that “reasonable” Republicans like Susan Collins will be adopting that logic as well.

Right. He didn’t hand over a sack with a dollar sign on it while shaking hands with Zelensky in front of a jail cell containing Joe and Hunter Biden.

Great ready for the “What law did he break?!!1?” cries.

He thinks he’s innocent because in his mind, he never said “investigate Biden’s son or you’re not getting aid.” This is pretty on brand with Trump; he’s never explicit in what he says, but the people around him know exactly what he means. Then they get to go and do the dirty work for him. So if Guiliani or Barr end up

They have the non-plausible, but still deployable, deniability that because the phone call didn’t mention the military aid, he didn’t use it as leverage. I suspect that the whistleblower report has the connection via communications of others in the administration that the aid was tied to the Biden ratfucking and

Chili is great, but if I have to hear some sanctimonious prick try to tell me one more time that they “prefer a white chili with chicken and cilantro” I will fight them. Call that THING whatever you want to call it, but do not call it chili! Chili is red, red like the fires of hell, and should never contain poultry.

How hard are reusable straws to clean? Drinking anything besides water out of my water bottles (and not rinsing them immediately) eventually will result in some sort of accumulation. I imagine it is also sort of true for straws, and would be hesitant to drink from one of those (esp at a restaurant) without inspecting

I mean, technically, lesbians would still experience the “inability to become pregnant after a certain period of unprotected sex” so if I had been having unprotected sex with my wife for a year and insurance still refused to cover IVF, I would hope I could sue the shit out of them.

Michigan elected an all-female, democratic ticket in 2018. A democratic woman flipped a Michigan Congressional seat that had been a safe Republican district for decades. 2020 is a very different ball game from 2016: I don’t think being a woman is as big of a liability as you think.

I get what you’re saying, but putting someone on the ballot who can’t coherently speak a sentence is also not the answer, and certainly isn’t going to inspire anyone to leave the house and go vote.

I am currently living with my hyper-conservative parents. It has been an eye opening experience as I now need to suffer through Fox news on the daily (rot in hell, Tucker Carlson.) Certain patterns have become evident to me in the few weeks I’ve watched. Fox news ignores the things that really scare them. They can