
I think you have to have a soul to care about others, and both of these monsters sold theirs along time ago.

I wonder what his dead brother would think now? Trump would just as soon deport you as look at you, Tito. 

I came here to say: Chipwich. No contest.

I’m amazed Dipshit didn’t magnanimously announce he’d guarantee little Paul a gardening job at Mar a Lago when he turned 11.

I actually told my wife yesterday, god forbid if this ever happened to us. One of us or our children was in the hospital from a mass shooting. I would totally want to meet the president. I would lie through my teeth about how much I loved him just so I could get into a room with him and tell him how much of a scum bag

He looks like if the Mucinex mucus cartoon turned into a human and lived 60 years and then that human became a wax statue and that wax statue was reanimated by the soul of a recently executed serial killer.

Look we know the President is an idiot who would totally think this is appropriate - none of what he does surprises me - but that family! Why would they do this? Days after his sister in law is dead this guy is using the child she died protecting so that he can grinning photos with the president whose policies

and if Tito needs further proof, note that he says here he’d like to speak to the president.

His tiny hands can't hold anything as big as a two-month-old baby

Damn, butt sweat sucks, especially when it’s on one’s face.

To be fair, it’s a two-month-old baby, and Trump, having never held a baby in his goddamn life, could have seriously injured this particular baby by trying to start now.

To be fair, what sensible baby would want trump to touch them.

Not a chance. The man has neither spine nor brain. It’s KFC gravy.

Oh for sure.
At best she merely ignores his horribleness.
But let’s not forget that she was happy to spout “Birther” nonsense on The View and FoxNews. She’s just as much of a sociopath as he is.

Haha that thumbs up pose, what a literal fucking insane person

also, do you see how she is holding the baby?  it’s as if she never held one before.

i heard this story on NPR earlier this week and i know there was serious trauma inflicted on this man’s family, but it was still a wtf moment for me in the car, specifically the bit where he said his brother was a big supporter of 45 and that he (tito) wanted to reaffirm his political beliefs vis-a-vis a ‘sincere’

You cannot have a human to human meeting with a gelatinous blob of mutated mold, sorry, Uncle Tito.

I feel the same way about some black people, how any of us continue to support him is mind blowing but as polls repeatedly show we are too socially conservative for our own good. Any coincidence that both groups strongly identify with Christianity? 

As a Latina, it doesn’t stop baffling me the fact that three years in, there’s still latinx that support this cheeto, but unfortunately our community generally continues to be “traditional” (I.e. chauvinistic, misogynistic)