Sodas and Fries

Regardless of what Perlmutter may have said (not familiar with that quote), I'm pretty sure he was overseeing Marvel TV from the start, and that's who Loeb reported to and still does, in the same manner Feige did regarding film. I don't believe he was shunted from one division to the other, rather he was overlooking

That sounds like 100% speculation, and as I said to someone else, doesn't check out.
You just said yourself he controls the TV side of things - so how would you explain Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and majority female led Agents of Shield?

You retain the right to be completely wrong

You do know Permutter is still involved with Marvel TV though right, which has produced Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Agents Of Shield (with a majority female cast, two of Asian heritage at that)

Perlmutter has nothing to do with Marvel Studios.


He was regal and no-nonsense, as he should be. Not everyone needs to be quipping and throwing around punchy nicknames.

make like a janet jackson album cover


I am totally aboard on bringing back DARE, one of the greatest Gorillaz singles


I'm wrong and you're not skewed at all, eh?

"it's because many people wanted it to"

Pretty much!

Heelapalooza was a solid PPV?

ok byeeeeeee

Well no it's not new territory, but it's a little fresher for me as someone who grew up reading married Peter (not that they've done much on that front since Carlie Cooper). And there's only two choices romantically - either you're coupled with someone or you're not. Not many greys in between that, but the world's

Yeah, I can deal with that.

You can always go watch re-runs of Bones

Unscheduled Stop is a story that stands out where he's written pretty competently, albiet it's a story that's almost 10 years old now.