Sodas and Fries

I think rapturous is pushing it. Sure, the zealous MJ fans are very happy for the AU book but sales wise it's behind Amazing, Spider-Man/Deadpool, the self titled Miles book, and even Spider-Gwen. Which is fine, it has it's place for now. Personally, I'd rather see the core series mine new territory though.

Well you weren't necessarily meant to, so the film did it's job. :)

They did, for like 30 years

I guess we view the ending differently. Most of the film he was putting his own life to the side for his "internship", idealising the life of being an Avenger, even considering dropping out of school for it. In the end I saw it as him realising his life and being his own man was something not to throw aside and that

Vulture was done really well. And he actually was Spider-Man's first big villain, so it's fitting he gets some shine in the first MCU film.

I actually thought Woodbine's Shocker in this film was kind of badass.

Again, the AI and tech of the suit being more Stark than Peter was the point, that's why he rejected the new suit and Avengers position so he could be more his own man.

Respectfully disagree, sir. Doesn't stop it from being great, though

It seems like the script went out of its way to avoid any actual, substantial conflict and opportunities for growth

with a supermodel girlfriend

Films aren't going to follow every single thing that happened in comics to a T. Of all the Hobgoblins, he's probably the last you'd see adapted. Hell, you'd sooner see Jason Macendale as Hobgoblin.

The main Shocker was Herman, though.

Spider-Man as a character has always failed upwards until he gets the one big win when it counts. That's his thing.

That's Tony though. He would miss something like that.

Just saw it yesterday - easily the most fun Spider-Man film made yet. I think I had a smile the whole way through, just because there was so much going on. If it was Peter/Spider-Man actually cracking wise for once, it was some gag played for laughs by one of the many bit-part by comedic notables.

The point of him having the high-tech suit was to point out later in the film how much he didn't need all of those bells and whistles.

Ah, I see.
As for "it's not my Twin Peaks", I mean all things change. It'd be like pretending the Star Wars prequels never happened - I just don't understand why people can't make peace with creators doing their own thing and telling their story, even if it's one that doesn't align with our particular wishes.

…because what he chose to do now is in no way innovative at all?

Wally! Wally! Wally! Wally! Wally! Wally! Wally!

That's part of what I'm saying - it's pointless to make a list because it happens so regularly that hardly anyone makes a deal about it. The only reason why we know about the South Park deal is because of the wordwide social circumstances at the time and that they drummed up a lot of attention over it. You look up any