Sodas and Fries

Losing one match is not "jobbing", especially when she won easily by pinfall the week before. And it's pretty much the top heels job to punk out the babyfaces, which is exactly what Charlotte was doing most weeks.
I really don't know what you expect from the women's division, its like anything short of babyfaces

Typecasting strikes again

A failure on their part!

This meme is only just now hitting America huh?

That was one hell of a money shot.

Compared to Legion, this looks sadly unremarkable. Even a little cheap, I daresay. Guess we'll see how it goes.

I thought most of the Marvel stuff was good to great. I can see why you think there's nothing good on Netflix now, though I completely disagree.

Bummer. Great actor.

Yeah Stranger Things is terrible, the internet's most hated show ever

He peaked at The Frighteners

You get to film a Halloween movie! And you get to film a Halloween movie!

I thought Prometheus was fine though so whatevs


Serpent: I have no idea who shot your father, I swear to God!
Archie in Batman voice: SWEAR TO ME

I always thought this show was far beneath Kat's talents, so whatever.

Never heard of him either

Chick chicka chicka

Is there any word on who's playing Hiram next season?
Anyone feel like taking any guesses?

Thank God for that (sorry Fred)

While I'm sure it's only temporary, I appreciate the seeming subversion of what looked to be the start of a tried and true love quadrangle. I mean, an Archie and Betty thing has to happen sooner or later, but thankfully not today Satan, not today.