Sodas and Fries

That rumour has been going around for about, what a year? More? And yet she continues to get mic time, go on Talking Smack, etc

Rumours are Matt is still a bit banged up from working back to back ladder matches and their general expedition of gold across multiple promotions on their way to the WWE.

Shucky ducky!

Still fast forwarding through Bray's promos. Zzz.

So, in order to free itself from the shackles of traditional TV

Harmon is like Charlie Brown for me - he brings a lot of it on himself, but gosh darn it for some reason I still want to see him finally kick that football and get into a better place.

Yeah I know, it was more liking Ayer's End Of Watch that gave me hope

I was like, OK, I've seen Man Of Steel and that was bad, avoided Batman Vs. Superman for the sake of my own good taste and sanity, but maybe I should give this non Snyder DC joint a go, just to be fair?

Chekhov's stupid magic blade

serving up the news with a sense of humor, outrage and empathy

So did Jason Momoa. It's the in thing to do when you land a DC role

Major Exposition, reporting for duty

a great example of suicide squad's writing and development:

Stretching for names, eh

This was silly and fun

I thought maybe Major ate some soldier brains on the sly to ace that paintball training, but I guess not.

When he turned up I was like "wait, isn't that the dude from Dead Last?"

This can only mean one thing

Let's hope they don't Britta this up