Sodas and Fries

The fact that Singer is more uncomfortable with fully embracing comic book trappings is a hunch I've had for a while now.

Would you say it's the most comic-booky of Singer's X-Men films?

I haven't seen Apocalypse but man does it seem to get a bad rap from people. It almost makes me want to check it out to judge for myself…

Also a film that never once showed a swastika

I can't believe the phenomenon actually had a name.

It seems more and more Marvel are hiring writers who have some sort of connection to the diversity they're trying to represent, so more often than not it rings pretty legitimate to me.

You try telling a boomer or a gen Xer that Superman wasn't memorable.

Except there had been no comic book movie like The Dark Knight nor had Joker ever been portrayed in such a manner before.

(-to make fun of it)

Is that the same news articles which were about people got super immersed in the film and became depressed that the Avatar world wasn't real?

He's taking a big bet that people still give care enough to see four sequels to a film he released 8 years ago.

Hmm, in terms of your classic superhero storytelling formula, I think Ms. Marvel is probably doing it best right now. It has that classic Spider-Man vibe to me, the way it juggles superheroics with personal drama.

I think it was the fault of the writing more than anything. She was fun in the role for about 10 minutes but then the whole "we're the bad guys, lol" thing got pedantic. With Harley and Joker specifically they tried too hard and too obviously.

He looks like he's a couple of cigarettes away from looking like Emperor Palpatine.

Well it's not like there aren't a nice range of Marvel comics out at the moment that focus on the more human element rather than play like Michael Bay on page: Hellcat comes to mind, Squirrel Girl is supposedly fun, Spider-Woman was juggling a baby along with everything else - but even those aren't all guaranteed

Are they serving food or working on the death star?
Stormtroopers gotta eat too, I guess

Legacy heroes simply have better chance of survival on the shelves than new characters with brand new names, etc. Marvel introduced a new black hero named Mosiac, and last I checked it wasn't doing so hot. Nighthawk, also a black superhero who was a variant version of a C-list hero/villain, was cancelled.

Oh I thought this said Neo Geo

Well in that case - who created the character 75 or so years ago has absolutely nothing to do with what the character does on page in the modern day. Marvel owns the character. The only relevance Joe Simon and Jack Kirby have is purely off the page.

Sean Hannity, more like Sean Hammity. Somebody grab one of those dumb promo pictures of him about to throw a nerf ball (subtext: he likes football, like REAL AMERICANS) and photoshop a turkey leg in his hand.
I can't think of anyone else more fitting to follow last year's winner Richard Spencer as World's Most