Sodas and Fries

it sounds a bit like you're pivoting super hard to keep your troll afloat ;)

Well that's the thing - what tells you that it isn't good now? I agree that every part should be worthwhile, but again this review only focuses on this specific issue for 3 out of 8 paragraphs, if lucky. Scant touches on art and pacing while waxing on about Kirby's bloody legacy which has nothing to do with the story

Because nazis and white supremacists are equal opportunity race haters, and otherwise aren't humourous or self-aware enough to be able to deprecate themselves in a comic book

I'm sorry but if you tease me with Nathan Fillion as Wonder Man, you better damn deliver

spoiler: rarely works. The way I see it, you've got one, maybe two potentials here who are knocking on your metaphorical door. If this were a movie, this is the part where you'd take off your glasses and let down your ponytail to reveal the beautiful swan we always knew you to be~

no you see because Cap has been altered by the cosmic cube it means he's always been a nazi and everything he ever represented EVEN IN OUR REAL WORLD means NOTHING because THAT IS THE POWER OF THE COSMIC CUBE and JACK KIRBY IS SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE, DAMN YOU HYDRA WHO INDEED ARE NAZIS

It's very, very very very very good. The most fun I've had on any console this generation, no hyperbole. I know critically it did well but I don't know how it sold - I know it was on Xbox's Games For Gold maybe a few months back or more, so I'm sure there's more people around who have played it… (somewhere).

Well just remember if you take both those women on a holiday to Salt Lake City they can both be your wives. Good luck Archie!


Sunset is a complete joy. It feels in part a homage to the great Jet Set Radio series, but has a lot of it's own personality. It's just so engaging to play - massive open area map, a wide array of weapons, great controls and mechanics, nice humour, great visual design, and a wide array of enemies and memorable bosses.

I don't understand your gimmick

Except the same writer wrote and is still writing a black Captain America that fought white supremacists in his run, so there's that.

No such thing as "bad ideas", only bad executions.

No, he just histrionically leads off which such gems as Marvel "continues to disrespect Kirby’s legacy".

I definitely want to get my hands on this remake. I played the original as a kid and I love this new visual take on the classic.

Crazily, I'm going to save my final judgement on Captain America: Hydra agent when the full story itself is clear, rather than kneejerk about he's a nazi, boo how insulting on issue #0. This reaction is like Superior Spider-Man all over again, albiet with 99% more Hitler references.

Do you think the you that picked SMW2 currently has a different hair colour

Your fancy liberal alphabetising is not the AV Club experience I signed up for

SD3 won't happen on this, but there is a Secret of Mana collection being released in Japan, which includes SD3. If there's even going to be a fully translated port of it, it'll happen through demand of the collection being released in the west.

The series just ended, so may be a moot point