Sodas and Fries

So Iron Fist has his new series, plus Iron Fists, there's The Defenders which has them both, and Luke Cage has a new solo? And then Jessica Jones has her solo and Defenders, Daredevil has his solo and Defenders… they're really going all in on these guys eh?

I was sifting through the list and each time I didn't see Secret of Mana my heart died a little more and more; thank goodness that it eventually turned up.

Generations aren't a hivemind of one taste, ya know

Did it really? That's how behind I am. That's very disappointing, loved the art and the writing.

Oh yeah, Black Panther is brill.

Upvoted for your enviable no-effort second base achievement, sir.

How did you work that? "Hi, how are you enjoying this boot camp? Say, I notice you have breasts"

Look at this guy, thinking he was as talented as Phil Hartman or something

The "emoting to the degree of becoming super deformed" is a tried and true manga/anime trope. It's an extreme caricature used for comedic effect.

Couldn't agree more, especially art wise. There's more than enough Jim Lee / David Finch / Joe Madureire knock-offs out there.

Win some, lose some. I'm really enjoying Moon Knight and Doctor Strange at the moment.

It's not like all of Marvel's comics are like this though. There's usually a bit of something for everyone in their lineups.

I'm not as much on the Joss train as I used to be, but other than that I can't get too excited about something that has to sit within the… ugh… Snyderverse

Superheroes for the YA audience… might work.

Whatever, Cannonball is a putz. Lila + Strong Guy is the premier iconic duo here~

Bit of a delay on the comeback

Yeah I know you mentioned it, I brought it up to contrast to my Alan Wake example to see if that would also fit the requisites you're talking about.
Now that I have a better idea of your umbrella definition here, I can't say I've ever felt there's been a lack of modern fantasy games. Alan Wake itself is only a few

The Secret World MMO tanked pretty hard.
If something like Deadly Premonition counts, what about Alan Wake?

One could say Finn was out of position for Jinder's forearm, which he has done a million times without hurting anybody. :p

That's not what happened in the show, and I blame early reviews for kneejerking and misrepresenting this. Danny was preaching about the tenets of kung-fu which is a Chinese martial art; Colleen meanwhile practices Japanese martial arts and follows the Bushido code. She even calls his style "wuxia crap". tl;dr: not all