Sodas and Fries

The less said about the American adaptation of Life On Mars, the better.

Tell them to take a red pill as a suppository.


Man it's such a shame that everyone cancelled their Netflix subscription because of this show

That's "no carbs" Mahal to you

Has there ever been an Indian stable before, though? We've had more evil Canadian groups than any Asian ones. I'll wait and see how this plays out, but at this point I see this as a good thing for Jinder and the B-Boys (who I think are being called the Singh brothers now) because this gives them a rub, which I think

He's always a bit stilted when he's on the show, and I don't know why.

It's been said a few times it seems, but Rollins never got punished for legitimately injuring triple the amount of people Jinder has - unless what we're meant to take away from this line of thinking is that only big stars are allowed to injure people.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that's OK with Jinder's win here. I like being surprised, and he got the kind of heat a lot of heels would kill for in one stroke. I'm intrigued in how this will play out, including how Harv and Gurv fit in.

Becky has had scores of title matches and has held the belt. It's not armageddon because she's not in the title scene for once.
And were you expecting Charlotte not to win her first match on Smackdown? There's a reason why it wasn't a title match.

Rollins wasn't penalised for breaking Cena's nose, giving Sting an early retirement, or screwing up Balor's shoulder, so I'm not sure what people were expecting to happen to Jinder for one accidentally stiff shot.

The Bollywood Boys' gimmick isn't one Vince foisted onto them, it's one they've used themselves across a few promotions now, including in India for Ring Ka King.

The brand now has teams who couldn’t get a crowd reaction if they killed someone, like The Colons (The Shining Stars are gone) and The Bollywood Boys (who are honestly kind of an affront to Bollywood culture)

Headbutts are quite British, what my grandpa would call a "liverpool kiss" - the trick is that you use your crown and not your forehead, and that you strike against their forehead, or jaw or general face area. That way, they take an immense amount of damage while you don't even take quarter as much.
What I like about

I for once agree with their assertion. Don't want to miss the boat with them like they did with The Club.

Well of course you'd have a Bliss reaction gif

If you dislike how Roman has been pushed, WWE's forced monikers, and can get over that ew it's a guy from Whatculture and the Botchamania dude, this is a little funny:

It pays homage to his pre-WWE theme's, which would use the Godzilla march theme and roar as the start of his intro; also influenced by hip hop like Pharoahe Monch's - "Simon Says" from '99 which also samples it

hello yes I too have a role in the bad film

I really don't understand the look she's going for with her outfit, what with the shoulder pads and thigh flaps. Bondage dragonball Z?