Sodas and Fries

Like, compare Jack's headbutt to the type Big Show was doing. Clear winner.

Ha, I didn't even notice that.


I'm not sure if it's the lack of a cel-shaded type filter to the engine but graphically this looks like a step-down compared to something like even the recent Batman: The Telltale series.

If by stupid you mean one of the best headbutts in graps

Maybe he can ape Kenny Omega's Sephiroth-esque NJPW theme

My dude, Jeff Hardy has held a WWE heavyweight belt 3 times, not to mention held the TNA heavyweight belt 3 times. He's very much an accomplished singles wrestler, the same way it could be said that Cesaro is also an accomplished tag wrestler. You can be both things.

- Regarding the main event: imploding the ring is neat and all, but I can remember at least two other times they've done this specifically with Big Show (vs Mark Henry in 2011 and vs Brock Lesnar back in 2003). I was literally expecting it to happen, so compared to the ambulance stunt last week I'm pretty nonplussed.

It's called a Whoopee cap, people used to wear them all the time in the 1920's and 30's.

That's a good point about their rarity being a pro.

That match between Orton and Styles before Wrestlemania was great

double underarm hook DDT, Mick Foley/Mankind's old finisher. Drew Galloway/McIntyre uses it also (future shock).
It's kind of like how everyone used to use an implant DDT in the late 90s.

Young Bucks and Adam Cole wrestled as faces at a recent independent show (WCPW). Cody Rhodes is a regular there and he wrestles mostly as a face also, despite being a heel with BC in NJPW.

Yeah AJ has been using the fireman's carry neckbreaker / ushigoroshi as a signature move for a while now; Tye drops this kneepad for the maneuver though so that makes all the difference ;)

Well the review here itself says he makes a "revelatory turn", so it's apparently good that they did indeed cast him.

It's because Christians stole the ultimate superjew, Jesus

She indeed is. Moon Knight too, I believe.

Get Out for the easy listening crowd


Leukemia, shit. RIP.