Sodas and Fries

Ehh I dunno. I think there's a line between showmanship and personality.

Let me get this straight: you call people "dumbasses" and limply flame them across a comment section for no reason, and then block them when they give a little back in response? Farewell then Chuck, you and your glass jaw are clearly doing me a favour~

Size + family connection

Well yeah, it's not a direct comparison, just a general comparison of the archetype.
Even beyond gimmicks/angles, there's been wrestlers who have gotten over fine just based on their ability alone. You don't need to be a mic god or an all-rounder to be a success - it certainly helps, but it's not necessarily a

Yeah because who can beat who is a static and linear human centipede of a formula - not at all how things work in real life mind you, but hey I agree!
I will buy into someone imbibing the ashes of a dead woman to gain her mystical power BUT A CLEARLY TALENTED WRESTLER BEATING ANOTHER TALENTED WRESTLER IS A STEP TOO FAR.

Yeah I clearly meant 205 Live, Charles Douchula. Savour this typo-callout level moment, it'll be one of the few times you're actually right about something. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

What exactly is wrong with Emma's writing?

I mean, with those gimmicks is personality necessarily a thing? Is Undertaker cool because of his personality?

Corbin was in this week's main event (doesn't matter if it's for the US belt, still was the main event slot, plus see the calibre of people he was competiting with), not to mention has been drifting in and out of heavyweight #1 contender shots over the past few months. So there's precedence there for him.
Ziggler would

I don't see them leaving NXT anytime soon. There's no one else to really contend with Authors Of Pain right now, while one of TM61 is injured (or something).

Hot Fuzz is the best Point Break

You may as well just start all over again. I don't care if you're 50 hours in, if you're anything like me, it will BUG YOU.


I wasn't keeping score or anything, but it was an undefeated streak that lasted 6-7 months and was definitely played up on commentary as a thing, so it's pretty obvious they're grooming her as a top face.
She has a great look, she's athletic, has an eye catching finisher and is pretty much over. Why is "personality"

Baron Corbin, Rusev and Ziggler are no slouches. Could be said Luke Harper has unfinished business with Randy. And if Orton turns heel again then that busts the possibilities wide open. But really, couldn't care less about who Orton gets to feud with. Snore.

Orton has said he wants to be heel. Then again, he always wants to be heel. We should assume at any given time, he's jonesing' for a heelin'.

He's still early in his pro wrestling career. Let him get a bit more seasoning on the indies and in smaller feds, IMO.


I mean we're talking about glorified carnies here though. They've made storylines out of real life infidelities, heart attacks, people's faith and deaths. we shouldn't be surprised.

95 is a great run. I loved her Late Show appearances. RIP, sweet lady.