Sodas and Fries

Coach was being a class A stooge, saying that he had never seen any bullying of any sort during any part of his tenure. I doubt that sincerely.

I'm pretty sure Miz will be squandered after the great build up he was getting on SD. There's just no room for him in the main event card on RAW.

If Smackdown gets Kevin Owens and Charlotte, then it'll be worth it. There's no way Smackdown will be left without a midcard championship. Not even WWE are that stupid.


Went with the canon manga name. I'm a stickler that way.

Shouldn't you get this game?

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment remains my favourite in the series thanks to the story and tone (plus having a cast of adults for once), but I have no problem with the direction it's gone since then and have been really happy for it become such a wide spanning, well recognised series today. As great as Persona 4 was, I

P2: Consequence

the disgraced goth doctor gets as much of my time as she needs

Welcome to RAW Miz. Hope you enjoy your burial plot.

Time for grandpa to go to a home!

they'll both put aside their differences to fight together against a bigger mutual douchebag - Hulk Hogan

checks out


Not only that, but Ebert is on the dvd commentary for special editions of the film. Well deserved, IMO, the film is a visual treat and I prefer it far more to The Matrix, of which it finds itself compared to often.

It's great! Tough but fun, lots of characters to play who all play very differently. It had a few problems at launch, nothing game breaking that I experienced, but it seems to have been smoothed out greatly. The only problem is that the move lists in game are incomplete and hard to make sense of (it doesn't list

P2-EP: We are the adults, and we are crazy stupid assholes

I wish I had dreams that neat

OH MAN, tell me about it. Talk about peaking early. I, Robot was passable but it's like from there on he just lost whatever touch he had. It won't stop me loving the hell out of Dark City, but it's incredibly disappointing.

Persona 5 (a series which I've been playing since P2:EP) will sadly have to wait a short while for me. In the meantime though, I've been cycling through: